Hi! I'm your SANE concierge. What can I help you find today?


All right. Excellent. Ninety minutes, we’re going rock through this. It’s going to be awesome. I got a lot of requests to follow up on what I mentioned last session which had to do with some of the mental things. I’m going to try to balance answering one off questions with some more macro stuff, but I don’t want this to be like an academic presentation.


Wow!  Lou, it sounds like Dave Asprey actually mentioned me on his podcast Abel James this morning. I didn’t realize that. I am friends with both of those guys and I’m fans of both of them.  Hopefully, what they said was good. If you can let me know or send me a link I’d appreciate it.


Let’s go back and forth. Let’s have a good time. There is some deep psychological stuff that we can certainly get into. If we don’t get to all of it we’ll do it the next session. We can always continue everything in the support group. Same goals as always for today’s time. We’re going to make it a wonderful, fun experience. I want to make sure that you feel the love and the community and the appreciation. I’ve just been so impressed and enthralled in the Ignite coaching support group recently. It’s just been awesome.


I want to thank everybody. There has actually even been some questions in there and there’s a question that was submitted here about something that I didn’t know the answer to, but other people in the support group did. I learned stuff, so thank you so much for that. Please remember that’s always available 24/7/365, but we’re going to have a really great time here. We’re going to go more advanced so got some great feedback. People want advanced stuff in these calls. I’m going to be geeky and advanced and make sure you get some actionable takeaways. It’s going to be a lot of fun.


Jean says, who can say anything bad Jonathan?  There’s a loud minority of people who think calories are all that matter. When you show them that that’s not the case, they don’t necessarily agree with you. I really appreciate your kindness for sure. All right. Let me just really quickly get started here.


There’s a question that got asked last session that I didn’t get to and it’s a great question. It has to do with a wonderful member of the SANE family, who is trying to get pregnant. The question is basically this individual is saying she eats about five servings of vegetables, two servings of fruits, two servings of dairy, one to three servings of junk sweets and two to three servings of protein daily. According to her BMI, she’s obese which just has a quick heads up, according to my BMI I am also obese.  Not a huge fan of BMI especially on a SANE and Eccentric lifestyle. We’re going to be developing calorie hungry metabolically healthy lean muscle tissue and the more lean compact tissue you gain, the higher your BMI goes.


That’s why someone such as myself who has about 8 or 9 percent body fat is considered obese according to my BMI. Anyway, not a huge fan of BMI. According to her, BMI it says she like I am obese. Her question is can she lose body fat and be/get pregnant in a healthy manner while transitioning into a SANE lifestyle. I’m concerned it might be unhealthy for me or for the future of our child if I am cleaning my clogged sink drain. Any questions? If you can help me to continue my journey to be healthy while being a rock star mom would be appreciated.


I wanted to cover this because I think it is extremely important both specifically and generally. It has to do more with globally the impact on pregnancy and it applies to both men and women and the impact of SANity for fetal development and even before pregnancy. The short answer to this question is, everything about SANEity with the exception of things that we know should be custom to when you’re pregnant, like there’re certain things about seafood that are going to be different when you’re pregnant, but from a general rule of thumb, reducing the hormonal chaos that goes on in the body, reducing inflammation caused by sugar increasing nutrient density, is it good for me to eat healthfully while I’m trying to get pregnant? The answer is yes. Is it good for me to eat SANEly while I’m trying to get pregnant? The answer is yes. SANE is just helping us to actually define what healthy means.


If you go up to ten people on the street and you ask them what’s healthy, you’re going to get ten different answers. What SANE does is it provides an objective scientific criteria satiety, aggression, nutrition and efficiency where we can simply stack rank foods and actually say, here’s what healthy actually means. That’s really SANE. It is what we have a patent on and that’s our core intellectual properties. It is absolutely important and healthy. The SANEr you are, both men and women, the more success you will have with anything involving pregnancy.


In fact, there’s some very advanced search that didn’t make it into my book, which has to do with studies that were done around pregnancy and fetal development. Check this out from a study perspective. These researchers were able to take a mother and a father and she got pregnant. She did not have gestational diabetes. She didn’t have what we would call a hormonal clog according to her blood panels.


In a second pregnancy, same mother, same father, but in this case the mother had either diabetes or some other form of insulin resistance or some other form of hormonal clog or metabolic syndrome or syndrome X, depending on where in the world you are, it could be called any of those things. They found consistently, across the board, that the birth weight of the babies had increased when clogged uterine environment existed and there was a very high increased incidence of diabetes and obesity in the children who were born having been exposed to a clogged uterine environment.


You might be thinking to yourself, how is that possible? Well, keep in mind that the fetus is a small homosapien. For example, if the inSANE foods that a mother is eating is going into her bloodstream and causing her hormones to go out of whack. The mother has to release insulin to get glucose into her cells, that’s the same thing for the fetus. For the fetus to have energy put into its cells, its little pancreas is secreting insulin.


It makes a lot of sense that all of the metabolic stress that the mother is under is then getting passed along to the child. Not only that, but they actually found that certain toxic elements of what is put in the body, even pre-pregnancy, can apply to the man as well as the woman—that what is ingested into the body in terms of certain toxic substances were found if the mother was carrying a fetus that was a female, in the eggs of the fetus were traces of these toxic substances, which means the inSANE environment that the mother was exposed to actually impacted the genetics of her granddaughter.


When I get excited about this isn’t just about counting calories. This is about the quality of what we’re eating and it is about so much more than calories. This is why by increasing the quality of what we’re eating, we’re not only impacting our own lives, but we’re potentially impacting the lives of our children and our children’s children. We’re seeing sort of how the childhood obesity and diabetes epidemics are spiraling out of control. A lot of researchers are starting to see and we’re seeing firsthand that the metabolic health of the father and the mother is in some ways passed along to the children. This is farthest thing from vanity. This is a moral imperative that we have. We have been blessed and privileged to have access to so much wonderful food. Of course, there’s so much toxic food out there.


If you’re part of the Ignite family, you’re an amazing person. The fact that we have the opportunity to do this and to unlock this science gets me so excited because it has such deep impacts. Sarah is the name of the person who submitted this question. Sarah, I hope you’re with us here today. There is nothing more from a dietary perspective that you could do to help your soon to be children, potentially even your grandchildren than to increase the SANity of your diet. Thank you for being courageous and doing that. It’s awesome.


We’ve got some awesome questions coming in here. Nancy has a specific question, which is, [Inaudible 00:14:23] how much does a cup of raw spinach weigh?  I have no idea of how much a cup of spinach weighs, Nancy. My recommendation would be just to say however much spinach you can fit in your hands like this is one serving of spinach. When in doubt, eat more spinach.  There’s some mental questions that come along later where it’s like please don’t let what you’re not sure about stop you or make you negatively impact things that you are sure about. Actually, that’s a really worth writing down. I wrote it down here in my notes.


My mother, who’s an English professor, would be very unhappy with this because there’s like a triple negative in this sentence. Don’t let what you aren’t sure about prevent you from rocking what you are sure about.


Nancy, let me apply that principle to your question. I have no idea how much a cup of spinach weighs. The fact that you’re putting spinach in your smoothies is awesome and hopefully, you can be somewhat sure that about this is about one serving of spinach. You’re sure of that. You’re sure that spinach is great for you. You’re sure about what a serving is and you’re sure that you need to try to get up to double digits per day. Please focus all of your energy on that. It doesn’t mean, don’t ask the question. It’s great to ask the question, but sometimes especially for me I can sometimes let questions cause me to lose confidence which then causes me to lose motivation.


I got a lot of questions that came in about motivation and maintaining motivation. It’s really hard to stay motivated when you feel like you don’t know what’s going on or you feel like you’re not doing a good job. If you feel like you’re doing a good job, motivation is really easy. In fact, there’s been a lot of deep psychological research. There’s a great book called, “Drive,” by Daniel Pink, who is an awesome guy, and I got a great chance to talk with him. It digs into the modern psychology of motivation and how back in the olden days we thought, just pay people more. That’s what motivates people. Just pay them more and actually that’s not.


There are things like believing that what you’re doing has a higher purpose. Believing that you’re good at what you’re doing. Seeing progress in what you’re doing. These things help us with our motivation so much. How can we leverage those principles? Well progress. This is why we talk about focusing on process rather than results goals because if you see progress that you can control, like hey this week I ate one more serving of vegetable per day on average you can see constant progress.  Back to the session about impacting our children and our grandchildren.


You know that eating SANEly is the furthest thing in the world from some vain 21-day bikini body program and is more about giving yourself the most pure and nutritious fuel ever so that you and everyone you love can live the best life possible. That’s motivating.


To focus on what you are doing well and the progress you’re making, this is why I recommend doing the gratitude journaling if at all possible in the support group or just in a little notebook by your nightstand. It’s so important with motivation. It’s not about don’t ask questions. Ask all questions in the world. That’s exactly what this support group is about. That’s about what the SANE concierge is about. That’s what these sessions are about. The advice is not, don’t ask questions. Please ask questions. The advice is It’s almost like putting a spoiler on your Ferrari. You’re already doing great. A lot of really smart people over the centuries had said that you judged the intelligence of a person by the questions they ask. These are great questions. It’s not bad to have them. Please just keep in mind, it’s very easy to let your mind say, oh my gosh, I have these 100 questions. I feel paralyzed, I lose my motivation.  If at all possible, try to flip that. Try to flip that using the techniques I just described if that’s helpful at all.


All right. Let’s see what else we got here. Suzanne and Nancy please let me know if I didn’t answer your questions about measuring spinach. There’s also the serving size guides in, I believe it’s the first lesson of the SANE 101 step by step program.


Joe, it is totally fine to freeze Garden in my Glass powder and whey powder. In fact, keeping them in the freezer is a good idea just to maximize freshness. That’s where I keep mine.


Then Fran, actually already answered the question that I couldn’t even answer, and Jean answered the question. You guys don’t even need me on this call anymore.


When in doubt eat more spinach, I love that. Actually, Reina, I saw you posted something that made me laugh. We did one of the SANE shows with April Perry and we were talking about clams and we said something like #that’salotofclams. I definitely heard that. I thought that was funny. Thank you so much.


All right. There was some questions that came in about how do I do this time effectively? This is another thing to write down. Here’s another big tip from today’s session. If you don’t live in a teeny tiny condo, which I did for the vast majority of my adult life. For four years, my wife and I lived in a 680 square foot, one bathroom condo. Two people, two adults, 680 square foot condo and actually my father and his brother were raised in an 800 square foot apartment with my grandma and grandpa.


The takeaway is freezers are your best friend. Another plug for Costco, which I don’t own any stock in. I’m just a huge fan, you can buy a standalone freezer that you can put in your garage or somewhere for less than $200.00 at Costco. Why do you need a standalone freezer if you have a small family? Right now it’s only my wife and I. We’ve got our standalone freezer packed. Why? The reason why I have my standalone freezer packed is cooking in bulk is absolute necessity for SANity.


If you don’t shop in bulk and cook in bulk and you don’t have a personal chef and you have any other responsibilities in your life, I don’t know if SANE eating is possible. These things are extremely important and if you look at any athlete or any fitness competitor or anyone who has their health and fitness locked down, you’ll notice they do this. It’s cooking in bulk. This is why sometimes there are some weird measurements in some of the SANE recipes because we multiply them to make eight servings.
Costco had salmon on sale for $6.99 a pound and it’s usually $8.99 a pound. I really like Costco’s salmon, it’s delicious. Then Safeway also had these little wild caught Alaskan fillets. It was $5.00 a pound. I go to the seafood shelf, whatever you call it, at Safeway, and I said, are these all of the frozen salmon things you have, and they said, yes. I literally took every single one that they had. Every single $5.00 pack because $5.00 a pound for wild caught Alaskan salmon is ridiculous. I bought every single one they had. All of them. The checkout person looked at me like I’m crazy and yes, I spent $200.00 on salmon in that instance, but wild caught salmon is usually like $15.00 a pound.


The way I put that in my mind is I just made a 300 percent return on my investment. I invested $200.00 today to save myself $400.00 over the course of the next five months or however long that salmon is going to last. I can only do that if I have a standalone freezer. Same thing applied to the salmon at Costco. When it went down on sale, I literally bought a couple hundred dollars’ worth of it. You’ll see some people in the Paleo community will do this. They’ll literally buy like half a cow. I’m not exaggerating. Depending on where you live in the country and actually it doesn’t matter where you live in the country nowadays because they can do things through the mail, you can buy a side of beef and it’s like $800.00. When you amortize it out the price per pound, it’s 80 percent off.


When I cook, it looks like I’m cooking in a school cafeteria or in an Army mess hall. I’ve got these big pots and big pans because if I am going to cook ground turkey, I am going to cook 10 pounds of it and then I am going to freeze 9 pounds of it. Then I’m going to take one pound of it out for a week from the freezer. Point is, your freezer is one of the top kitchen utensils or appliances. It’s like $200.00 to get a standalone freezer. It just unlocks so many other possibilities that you wouldn’t think of otherwise.


If you see salmon on sale and you know your freezer’s packed you’re not going to buy it. Not because you don’t think it’s good idea, but just because you can’t. If you say, I have this giant freezer in my garage that I have to fill now, well then that might motivate you to do more cooking and shopping in bulk. You can freeze stuff.


Yes, Jean that’s a great tip. Absolutely. I am very fortunate to live in Seattle where it doesn’t get super cold outside, but if you do live in a cold area or even an extremely warm area you have to be sensitive to what the freezers actually do outside. My smoothies are colder.  Lou that’s awesome. Lou just made a very funny comment in the chat window.


Let me jump into some other questions that were submitted here. There’s a question here submitted that says, is it important to be consistent with the amount of deep cream veggies I eat? This is hard to do especially while traveling overseas. Suggestions.


It’s great to be as consistent as possible with SANity. The more often you can be SANE and a huge part of being SANE is eating vegetables. The more consistently you can eat vegetables the better. One of the coolest things about going SANE and the longer you go SANE the more you’ll notice why progress versus perfection works. Think of your metabolic system a lot like your immune system.


If you have a healthy immune system, if you temporarily catch cold, it’s not the end of the world. While you might get sick for a little bit your immune system is healthy. It will work to resolve that problem over time. You can never avoid all bacteria and all viruses. That’s not possible. What you can do is you can keep your immune system as healthy as possible so that when things do go not according to plan aka viruses and bacteria, you can recover quickly. Think of your metabolic system the same way. If you have a healthy metabolic system a little bit of inSANity isn’t going to break the system. It’s just like a little bit of cold.


When we heal the system itself, if we go a little bit inSANE, you are not going to gain 25 pounds overnight and your HB/A1c levels aren’t going to go whack overnight. That also helps to explain why it seems like children can get away with eating inSANEly whereas, as we get older it seems like we can’t eat inSANEly and get away with it anymore. What is actually happening there is not that children have some unique genetic gift. In fact children, I would argue, they need the most protection against inSANE foods and the most focus on SANE foods because their bodies are growing.


We know this. We think about like the smallest forms of children which will be children that aren’t born yet. We know that nutrition for those fetuses is extremely important yet somehow the media tells us that as soon as the child passes through the uterine canal and is in the real world that now it’s like burgers and French fries and chicken nuggets are healthy for them aka a children’s menu and children cereal is essentially the section of the menu and the section of the cereal aisle that is the most inSANE.


The people who need the most protection and who are most sensitive to nutritional distress are the same people who are targeted by these corporations. It just blows my mind and in20 years we’ll look back on that and say, how did that happen as we understand more and more of what these foods do to children. The point is that if a child has only been exposed to inSANEity for five years. Let’s look at the standard American diet. Standard American diet is about 60 percent processed inSANity. Maybe the body is resilient, the body can recover from things so just like if a child scrapes their knee, the child’s knee heals faster than 50 years later.


Your skin, if you get cut the older you are the longer it takes to heal. For a child, if they’re exposed to a little bit of inSANity, their metabolism can heal that quickly, but then as we get older, if I’m getting 60 percent of my calories for 40 years from inSANEity that is like metabolic immune system to combine the metaphors it’s just worn down. At that point we smell a cheese cake and we gain weight because our metabolic system is broken. The reason HIV and AIDs is such a heart breaking disease is that it attacks the immune system itself. If your immune system is out of commission, a cold can kill you, but if your immune system is okay you can bounce back from that. As you go SANE, as you heal your metabolism, if you have to travel for example or if you go to birthday party or it’s Thanksgiving or if it’s holidays, there’s a little bit of inSANEity you’re going to bounce back from that.


That’s why progress versus perfection works. That’s why this is so about being patient and taking time to heal. It also explains why it seems like children can get away with eating [Inaudible 00:31:29].  They are not getting away, they are sort of stealing from Peter to pay Paul. There’s only so much inSANEity that our metabolic system can take. After a certain number of years of that inSANEity it just builds up and breaks down. Hopefully, that is helpful. Lou has got  a freezer so that’s excellent. Jean has a question. Oh yes Coumadin regulations [Inaudible 00:31:54] need to know if you have suggestions about to keep these green consistency while traveling.


Jean I am going to, if you don’t mind, this is going to get again to the territory of your primary care physician. My high level recommendation is like when I travel, what I do is I use Garden in my Glass and a bunch of stuff from the SANE store extensively because it’s very hard to eat greens on the go. It’s very easy to take powdered greens on an airplane. Then salad bars at grocery stores are one of my good friends so those are sort of ready to eat bars at grocery stores. Then whenever I have a chance at a restaurant I’ll get a big salad. Hopefully, that’s helpful.


The next question here that was sent in was, with why is it important to drink copious amounts of water, what does it do in the body?  There’s a couple of reasons why drinking water is super important. One is it creates a state in your body known as hypo osmolality. What that means in English is just that the balance of certain substances inside of your cells and outside of your cells changes such that it is actually easier for your body to pass fatty acids out of the cells and burn them for energy. In order to burn fat, you’re literally taking triglyceride, which is the technical term for fats stored in your body and it needs to leave the cells go into your bloodstream and get burned. When you drink a lot of water, that process is easier for your body to do.


Water also helps eliminating toxins. When you’re going SANE, you’re going to be taking in a lot of certain nutrients. It helps to process urea out of the system. It helps with protein metabolism. It helps like with the fiber and not feeling certain senses of bloating because it helps to eliminate waste more readily. I would say the third big reason is it makes it easier not to drink bunch of inSANE nonsense. If you’re thirsty, it’s a lot harder to say not to inSANE soda. If you’re really thirsty, but if you’re not thirsty at all. Beverages or liquids just like solids, we talk about eating so much good food that you’re too full for inSANE foods. The same thing applies with liquids. The idea is to drink so much water or potentially things like green tea or white tea. Green tea is very common and very good that you’ll just true full for other things.


Hypo osmolality makes it easier to burn fat technically. It helps with the digestion of foods and the elimination of certain substances and then it also makes it much easier to avoid inSANE beverages. That was a much cleaner answer than some of my other answers. Hopefully, that was helpful. All right, Jean looks like my previous answer helped you so I am hopefully happy to hear about that.


Emotional eating. All right, cool. We got some questions coming in here now about some of the emotional stuff that I alluded to in our last session. I really need your help now to help me to not turn this into a giant lecture because when I get going, it’s hard for me to stop. These are things which if I write another book, one of them at some point is going to be purely about the psychological aspects of things because that’s always been a passion of mine. I can go on about this forever.


A couple of things about the emotional eating and just emotional aspects of SANEity. First let’s talk about emotional eating specifically. The emotional eating. There’s two aspects to it. Emotional eating is essentially a certain type of chemistry takes places in our brains that makes us feel a certain way. This is by way of example, forgive me if this is sort of obvious, but it’s good example, why do people take things like opiates, like heroin?


Heroin is such a terrible drug because it is extremely addictive and it’s really good at what it does. It’s terrible for you, but what I mean that it’s really good at what it does is heroin creates a state in the brain that is euphoric. My father is an addictions counselor as is my sister. My sister and father tell me these stories of addicts. The state in a heroin addict’s brain is so intensely positive that they will literally and heart breakingly harm their child to achieve that psychological state. I’m not saying this to make this a sad call. What I am saying is that our emotions are a set of chemistry in our brain. There are opiate receptors, there are chromamine and dopamine.  Don’t need to get into that here.


When we are triggered to eat emotionally, the trigger for that is usually there’s an environmental or psychological cue which then causes the release of certain hormones and neurotransmitters in our brain. Why did I give the example of heroin? Heroin is an example of an opiate and things like morphine, OxyContin and sugar are opiates.  They bind certain receptors in our brain. This is not technically accurate, but it’s a metaphor to think of it. It’s almost like I am sad or I am anxious receptors open up in the brain and like sugar or other opiates, they can come and say, no, you’re not. It’s like, oh, I feel better. That’s kind of what happens with those substances. When we want to eat emotionally there’s at least two aspects.


One is there’s a certain type of brain chemistry that takes place and it’s sort of like these receptors open up and say, feed me with happiness. Basically,  I am sad, I’m stressed, I’m anxious. Feed me with happiness. That happens. Our brain is in a certain state. Often then we need to find a way to feel these things. Now the reason it’s important to understand that as there’s a stimulus, there’s a response, and there is  a response to that response. Stimulus, response and then our response to that neurological response. All right. Let’s unpack each one of those.


Stimulus. Sometimes we can change this sometimes we can’t. We can address emotional eating for each three of these components and this is really advanced stuff. If this isn’t helpful or if I’m going too deep or just anything, if you have thoughts post them in the chat box. For example, I have a boss that just makes me crazy. That can be the stimulus which then causes us to go home and say sugar fills that.


Having a junky boss might not be something we can do a whole lot about, but that is the first area that we can look to address. We can identify the factors in our life that trigger these neurological states. While we might not be able to change all of them, we might be able to do two things. One, is we can try to change some of them to avoid the negative stimulus. We know for example that one of the ways that we differentiate adults from children is if you have a baby, a baby is like, I’m hungry. I’ll just cry and panic and there’s no like baby is like hunger, stimulus, response is cry immediately. Same thing with animals that are not as intelligent as human like a deer.


It’s like I hear something, I run immediately potentially right into traffic whereas, as an adult human, If someone would ever say like, act like an adult, don’t act like a child, what they are saying is in between these external stimulus which then causes a neurological response it’s like in some ways the more of an adult we are, then bigger that gap is.


If you think like some of the greatest people in history like Margret Thatcher or Mother Teresa or Jesus Christ or Mahatma Gandhi or Abraham Lincoln or Rosa Parks, one of the things they’re famous for is something happened, like a stimulus happened. Miss Parks, get to the back of the bus and her brain was like, I’ll go crazy, and she was able to take a step back and say, I’m going to choose my response.


Mahatma Gandhi when he was treated in a certain way he chose his response. Jesus Christ is really powerful examples of, “forgive them father, they know not what they do, turn the other cheek.” I just got stabbed in the side and my response is to forgive you. These are people, it wasn’t that they didn’t have [blup] happening in their brain, it’s that that [blup] happened in their brain, maybe it happened a little less, but they then develop this uncanny ability to choose their response after that.

Why did I say all that? I said all that because step number one is like for example if we have a junky boss, if we can possibly change teams that would be great, but there’s an old saying which is great one which is worth writing down if you haven’t heard and that is, no matter where you go, there you are.  I’m going to say that again and this applies to me almost more than anyone I know I have my own insane that I deal with, no matter where you go, there you are, or everywhere you go, there you are.


In addition to trying to take ourselves and remove ourselves from objectively toxic environments which we should do, there’s also ways that we can take to use other people’s language cultivate our own garden, so that when those things happen they have less of an impact on us. All major religious traditions have ways of doing this things like saying, give it  to God.


Buddhism has examples of this. There’s ancient philosophy such as stoicism or Daoism where their whole point of stoicism for example is the domestication of emotions to increase that gap between stimulus and response. If you want to go totally secular, like Stephen Covey all that stuff.  His whole thing is between stimulus and response there is a gap and in that gap, the quality of our life is determined. That’s paraphrasing him directly because I think he’s absolutely awesome.


All right. There’s avoiding the negative stimulus then there is the ability to choose our response to that stimulus. Victor Frankl is also another great secular teacher of this. He’s an Australian psychiatrist who survived two concentration camps and lost his entire family in the concentration camps and then yet went on to create a fantastic life and then developed his own school of psychotherapy by basically saying, I can chose my response to any stimulus even being subjected to the most horrific atrocity a human being could ever be exposed to.  If you haven’t read, “Mans Search for Meaning,” it’s a fantastic book.


Emotional eating. Avoid the stimulus in the first place whenever possible. Then we need to cultivate our gardens so that we can react with love and compassion and forgiveness to those negative things when they happen. That’s it’s own thing, which maybe we can get into some other sessions. I have thoughts and I’ve done a lot of research about that, but my professional claim to fame is not psychotherapy or psychoanalysis. I’ll sort of leave that to the other experts.


All right. There’s avoiding the stimulus. There’s managing a response to the stimulus. When we say manage our response to the stimulus that’s essentially saying that instead of it going blup, and like wide open maybe it just goes [blup]. Let me just unpack this a little bit.


If you’ve ever been sick for example, you’ll notice that when you’re sick or when you feel like garbage this happens a lot more easily than if you’re feeling great. This is why physical health is so tied to mental health because when you’re sick or tired, anything, the dog barks. Whereas, if you’re feeling good,  something objectively bad just happened. That’s okay. The sun will come out tomorrow. You can kind of deal with it. That’s one of the reasons why physical health is so important to emotional health, but now let’s get to the third step. Then I see some awesome chats coming in and I’m going to read those but I’m kind of going crazy right now so I got to finish this before I lose it.


There’s avoiding the stimulus, there’s making the stimulus do less of this and more of this. There’s also some spiritual, secular and psychoanalytic ways of doing that. I personally think awesome stoicism is awesome and I think that [Inaudible 00:47:22] is awesome, I think Stephen Covey is awesome, I think there’s a lot of other good stuff too. Then the last part is no matter what, this is still going to happen. Sometimes this is good. We’re people so at some level we always have this. We’re never satisfied. The reason that human beings are the most dominant species on the planet in many ways is because we’re never satisfied. We’re like we can make this better, we can do this better and then we have progress and then we have electricity and we have Google hang out group coaching calls like this so it’s very cool.


Then the question just becomes, I’ve tried to minimize the just total toxic stimulus in my life. Then I’ve worked to manage my reaction to that toxic stimulus now when I do want to go [blup] and put a little bit in here how can I do that with things that aren’t going to make the situation worse? How do a lot of people do this? Drugs, sex, alcohol, other terrible things. Then negative thing happens, more bad things happens, downward spiral not good. Try to avoid the bad thing, try to minimize its impact.


I see some chats coming here. It’s about using SANE sweets, it’s about saying, okay, I am about to binge eat. I am just going to go eat a whole lot of food, but before I do that I am going to eat a half a head of cabbage.


No seriously. I am going to give myself permission to binge but before I do that I am going to make a giant pot of broccoli and I am going force myself to eat it and I’m going eat half a head of spinach, I’m going eat a giant green smoothie or I’m going to eat a bunch of celery, or a bunch of sugar snap peas. I am just going to eat a bunch of vegetables. Why are you going to do that?


That in some way it’s going to take care of some of the volume that needs to take place and it’s going to make you some SANer choices after that. When you want to react to the emotional eating, again, I know it sometimes sounds a little bit silly, but like Anthony Robbins who has some great teachings as well, he had this advice that he gave in a tape that I  listened to of this in the early 90s. If you’re feeling really bad just like jump out of your chair and just say something like, I’m so happy my feet don’t stink, and just like go, I’m so happy my feet don’t stink.


You’ll notice you can be super grumpy. If you do that it’s crazy and it’s artificial, but it will at least temporarily change your state. It’s also something that you could sort of say, okay, I’m like I’m actually going to do that because it’s so crazy and ridiculous, I can remember it so if I’m in an emotional state I need something that’s not just like subtle thing. I need a big thing, big blinking flashing light that I can listen to because of my brain is half off. I’m in this emotional state. The big jump up and wave your hands around from an inSANE eating emotional perspective, it’s have on hand a go to vegetable that you will just eat a whole heck of a lot of before you eat anything else. Then ideally, the other stuff you’re going to eat is going to be SANE sweets. It is very hard to eat a lot of inSANE food if you put a pound of cabbage into your stomach beforehand.


Then what happens is actually you exceed your vegetable goals. We’re getting into the advanced stuff here. If want to feel great about yourself, if you’re feeling really bad and you’re about to do something that you think you might regret and you not only avoid doing that thing, but instead you do something that furthers your goals.  A lot of people use exercise for this. They want to go crazy, but instead they go to the gym and they exercise. That builds up a huge amount of self-esteem and self-confidence because not only did I not drink alcohol or have unhealthy sexual relations or take illegal drugs, but I took that negative and I turned it into a positive.  I know that’s not easy. I know sometimes it’s going to be something kind of crazy to jolt us out of that state, but hopefully that is a long answer and is at least there’s some bits nuggets of helpful wisdom in there for you.


All right. What we’ve got here. All right. Looks like we’ve got some good stuff here. Chocolate is good for us. Yes, they are good.


Please give me some feedback. If that was not helpful please let me know or if it wasn’t and you want me to move on, please let me know too because it’s great feedback. Hopefully, that helps though with some of the emotional eating because again, it’s going to happen. We need to look at it holistically. We need to look at it SANEly, sanely, and say how do we tackle all three components of it. Hopefully, that is helpful. All right. Next question here.


The good news is that we already answered this one. This is that my biggest challenge is that my family, my husband and my 8 year old does not wish to eat this way so I feel I have to prepare two meals. I’m also very limited with my time. I get home very late in the evening and I have very little time to make it dinner plus homework with my son. Dinner doesn’t always get the attention it needs. This has been a big challenge for the two plus years I’ve been trying to do food the JB way. Great question.


The cooking in bulk can be very helpful here. What I find is sometimes there’s what we call modular meals. Let me give you an example of tacos. You could make tacos and the taco meat and the guacamole and the sauce and the lettuce and the tomatoes. If you want to put some sautéed peppers on that that.


What you can do in that case is like, one, you can try to convince everyone else in your family to go SANE. We can talk about that or instead of having to cook meals the base of the meal is the same and then maybe you have a taco salad and the other members of your family eat traditional tacos. The same thing can even apply with things like burgers.


Part of the challenge for me is there is so many SANE substitutions like if people like lasagna you can make lasagna and you can just make half the lasagna with eggplant instead of noodles and the other half with noodles. Then you just make one meal, you just kind of make a substitution for half the meals. Obviously, you’re cooking in bulk, hopefully so you’ve got like for the taco you’ve got the turkey already made. It’s just adding seasonings, it’s adding other stuff.


Unless the meals are really like there’s no SANE substitution for a Poptart. We can make SANE substitution for a lot of stuff. We’ve got SANE substitutions for ice-cream, we’ve got SANE substitutions for cakes and cookies, but I don’t know if there’s really a SANE substitution for a Poptart, but there’s almost always a way to make a little bit of a substitution. We’ve got a list of those in the program and also a way to prepare the meals such that even if it’s like a cook out. If you’re barbecuing, there’s almost always some items on the barbecue that are going to be SANE plus some grilled vegetables and some others that aren’t. If you can sort of make the modular meals where there’s a shared component that everyone can enjoy and then maybe SANE and inSANE components for different aspects of the family that can make it that so it’s only like cooking one and one quarter meals rather than two completely separate meals. Then finding those SANE substitutions that everyone can enjoy.


If you can find one meal per week that is SANE that your family likes which is totally possible, right? Food at good restaurants is SANE. When I say good restaurants I mean like fancy restaurants is SANE. It’s always it’s beautiful, vegetables, beautiful poultry, beautiful seafood, beautiful beef served. It is delicious. SANE food is delicious.


It’s just the question of finding recipes that are doable for us and that our families like. If we can just focus again, on progress versus perfection small steps. Can I find one meal per week that is SANE? That’s marinated chicken with some delicious vegetables sautéed in kale, there is one. Most people like chicken marinated, salmon marinated is usually pretty universally enjoyed.


Obviously we all have different tastes, but if you can find one meal per week that your family enjoys and then file that away, in 3 months you will have 12 meals that are just go to. You know your family is going to enjoy and after 6 months you’ve got 24. After a year, you have a whole repertoire of meals that you know your whole family enjoys. You might not have seven perfect meals that your family likes this week and that’s okay and you’re not bad or wrong and you shouldn’t get discouraged. Please don’t get discouraged. That’s what we’re usually telling ourselves. I don’t have seven perfect meals for my family this week, I failed. That is one of the psychological things we’ve got to flip. We’ve got to say the goal isn’t perfection today. Perfection today would be every single meal my family eats is perfectly SANE and they all love it all.


The SANE approach would be is I’m going to find one breakfast, one lunch and one dinner and maybe even less than that. Maybe just one dinner that my whole family likes this week and I’m going to write that down and I’m going to feel proud as hell about that. Then next I’m going to do it again, the next week I’m going to do it again and a year from today things are going to be incredible and they’re going to be incredible for the rest of my life. You’re not going to forget that.


All this nutritional wellness and stuff it’s like an investment. It pays dividends throughout your whole life. Honestly think about that. If you could do that even every other week, if you found one recipe that your whole family liked, every other week for a year, approximately every other week for a year. Approximately. The math isn’t going to add up here.


Imagine having 30 recipes that you just know every single member of your family likes and will continue to like forever. Done. You’re done for the rest of your life in one year you solve the problem. Takes four years to get a college degree. In one year, you completely solved how your family is going to eat for the rest of your life. That only happens if we give ourselves permission to have that shift in mindset of gradual patient progress. Maybe that’s worth writing down.  Gradual patient progress. It’s not just progress. Gradual and patient progress and consistent. Gradual, patient, consistent progress versus immediate [Inaudible 00:59:38]  perfection. I think it’s really, really helpful in those cases.


Let’s see here. Fran has got a red question here. I love it how the question has come in as red.


Fran says if we eat totally SANE and eat SANE desserts maybe more than four fats a day is that bad?  Fran this is a great question because it allows me to make a macro point that I wanted to make if we had time. We have 30 minutes left, so we have plenty of time.


All right. Actually, I’m not going to make the macro point. It’s only bad if the results it gives you are bad. Let me unpack that. I’m going to get a little advanced and if it’s too advanced tell me. There’s a term called epiphenomenal. What does that mean? It sort of indicates something else. By way of example, like a speedometer on your car. If the speedometer on your car says 60 miles per hour, if someone didn’t know how cars work it could be easy for them to think that the position of the speedometer determines the speed of the car, which is not true. The speed of the car is a total separate phenomenon, it’s a totally separate thing than the speedometer. The speedometer doesn’t determine the speed of the car. It reflects the speed of the car.


Another maybe more helpful example of this is I think we’ve all met people that have a lot of formal education, but when we speak to them we’ll say how did that person get a PhD or something along those lines or we meet someone who has no formal education, we speak to them and we say, wow, they’re brilliant. In those cases so there’s a phenomenon, the reality is a person’s intelligence.


The epiphenomenon, the thing that is often put on top of that is a person’s level of education.  I think it was Mark Twain or Robert Frost who said, I never let my education get in my way of learning. What we sometimes do as people is we focus on the epiphenomenal.


This is just a thought experiment and I promise I’m going to tie this back to your question and hopefully it’s helpful Fran. Imagine you needed a medical procedure done and there was a person and this person had performed that medical procedure correctly 10,000 times without any errors. In fact, there are 10,000 and 0. They have never had any problems performing that procedure, but they had no formal medical credentials. Now, this is not a recommendation. This is a thought experiment.


Now say that there was a board certified surgeon, who just got out of medical school and had performed this medical procedure eight times and had botched every single one of them. In our culture, if you just took a step back from a common sense perspective, most of us would say, If someone I loved either had to go under the knife with someone who has formal medical credentials, but has failed every single time they’ve performed this medical procedure or if we had to choose between someone we love this other person does not have formal medical credentials, but they’ve performed this procedure successfully 100 percent of the time over 10,000 cases, it’s pretty clear which one we would choose for our loved one.


I hope people don’t misinterpret this. Having a medical license epiphenomenon is more important that actually being good at practicing medicine. You could be the most effective surgeon in the world, but if you do not have a medical license, epiphenomenal medical licenses usually indicative of being a qualified surgeon, but not always. There’s plenty of surgeons who have medical licenses which are terrible. In our culture, we often focus on epiphenomenon that on the actual phenomenon.


In the medical case, the actual phenomenon the thing that actually matters is is this person effective at doing this surgery? Bottom line. Whether or not your coronary bypass works is not dependent on their board certification. It’s dependent on what they do when they’re performing the surgery. Results are what matter. That’s what matters.


It does not mean you should go get surgery from someone who’s not licensed. That’s not what I’m saying. What it does mean is for example and we talked about this a bit on the master class. Being low carb is an epiphenomenon. Being SANE– now, this is going to sound a little crazy is even epiphenomenal like SANE low carb, Paleo, vegan, nutrient density, low glycemic. These are all things which are general indicators, low carb should yield lower blood sugar. SANE eating should, based on what we know, yield better health. Now, if you have problems with oxalates and SANE eating says eat a lot of spinach raw that wouldn’t be a good thing for you to do. Is it good or bad for that person to eat spinach? Well it’s bad for that person to eat spinach because what matters is not your adherence to the epiphenomenon. What matters is your adherence to results. All that matters is results.


I am here the entire SANE team and family is here to ensure your success. At the end of the day, the question of whether or not some is good or bad or effective or ineffective is not whether I say it’s good or bad. It’s not whether Oprah says it’s good or bad, or that you can eat bread once a week or whatever she’s saying on her new television commercials. It’s not whether Dr. Oz says it’s good or bad, it’s not whether your surgeon general says it’s good or bad, it’s whether or not it yields the results you want. Period. I actually just had a wonderful interview with Dr. Mark Hyman, who’s awesome. One of my greatest role models in the industry today.


He came out point blank and said, look, you are your number one caretaker. You know more about yourself than any person on the planet could. If this food makes you feel like garbage and Jonathan Bailor says you should eat it, we should probably find an alternative for you because I don’t know more about your health than you do. I can point you in the right direction and I can be an extremely effective coach and I can tell you what of 1300 studies have said in over 15 years of experience have told me, but it’s a little bit like when you go to see an eye doctor. The eye doctor is going to ask you, is this better or worse? Better or worse? Better or worse?  What the eye doctor isn’t going to do is if the eye doctor’s any good she’s not going to take her glasses off and just say, hey, try my glasses on. Is vision better?


If you were to say, no, my vision is actually much worse, the eye doctor said, well, then you need to try harder, or then there must be a problem with you, you would say to the eye doctor, you’re fired.  Those eye glasses are great for the eye doctor, it’s great that that’s the right prescription for them and let’s be very clear. The eye glasses that will work for you will work for you for the same reasons that the eye glasses work for the eye doctor because we have different eyes, but the like cornea, retina, how light refracts off them, like the principles, the underlying biology is basically the same. Yes there are a pair of eye glasses that will make you see better, but the eye glasses are not going to make you see better are not going to make you see better because your optometrist says so.  They are going to make you see better because they work with your unique biology and physiology and you need someone who’s qualified to guide you in the right direction.


Then you’re going to take ownership and make sure that you find that perfect prescription for your eyes and that perfect prescription for your health.


To answer the question very specifically, Fran, if we eat totally SANE and then eat SANE dessert maybe more than four fats per day, is that bad? Calorie counting does not say this. It says the opposite of this. It says, the right thing to do is to eat 1200 calories or less. That is the right thing to do. If you don’t do that, we’re going to shame you into feeling bad. Here’s how I’d answer that question. If we eat totally SANE and eat SANE desserts maybe four fats a day is that bad?


If doing that takes you farther away from your goals then I would say it’s bad for you. If it takes you closer to your goals then I would say it’s good for you. When I say goals, I’m saying goal plural because there’s quite a few people who would say that I have a goal of not getting diabetes and not being able to see my feet when I look down and to really enjoy food. That’s a very different goal than I want to see my abs. They are very different goals. The person who wants to see their abs says, I don’t care. I don’t really like food that much or at least I don’t like food as much as I like seeing my abs. For that person, what’s good for them is a function of what their goals are. That’s why it’s so hard for me to say things like is it good or bad because whether  or not something’s bad is like is it good or bad for this set of goals.


If your goal is to just adhere to the SANE framework then the framework is generally two to six servings of whole fats per day. It’s not bad according to the SANE framework.  There were some great questions going on in the support group this week and people were talking about, I can’t eat six servings of protein. I can’t eat six servings of fat and I’m at ten servings of vegetables.  It was covered that maybe you take some of those servings of fats and you trade them for servings of vegetables. We would focus more on vegetables and proteins and less on whole food fats to speed fat loss in certain instances. Again, that’s always a function of goals and I see Fran has a follow up question here. I know this is bad for today. I need to work on this for my goal. Fran’s like, Jonathan come back to earth. How do I know if this is bad for today?


We can have conflicting goals. This is the overarching principle of SANE and why it’s just fate or blessedness or destiny whatever you want to call it that these four super-scientific factors, satiety, aggression, nutrition and efficiency spell out SANE. If your goal is to eat four servings of whole food parts a day and you end up eating six, then it’s bad for that goal. If you have another goal which is to not worry so much about that kind of stuff then it would be good for that goal. How’s that for a non-answer? Fran I hope that was helpful.


Some of the stuff is it’s such a mind shift and as we what we talked about in the last session. Actually here’s another great example and I’m sorry we’re not going to get everyone’s questions here, but hopefully this is helpful. There’s a question in the support group like two or three weeks ago which had to do with fluoride in green tea.


The person was asking, I heard that there was like fluoride in green tea and my son red an article on the internet that said I shouldn’t drink green tea because it has fluoride in it. This is such a great question, such a great learning experience because it allows us to apply the sane form of thinking and this is why I want to write a book about the thinking aspect of it to this question. The question of, does drinking more green tea increase the amount of fluoride you’re putting into your body? That is a valid question to ask, but it’s not a sufficient question to ask. This is why nutrition can be so seemingly confusing. Let me give an example. I’ll bring you back to the fluoride.


I just want to make sure I get this example right. There is some misinformed information on the Internet. It is on the Internet, it has to be true. If you eat a protein diet or if you just increase the amount of protein in your diet beyond the standard American recommendation of 50 grams of which is way too low that you’ll get osteoporosis and that it will eat away at your bones. Okay. That’s not true at all.


The way that that sort of happened is when you eat protein, the digestion of protein causes you to need more calcium. To digest protein requires more calcium. If all the information we had was that sliver of the puzzle, we’d say, oh, my gosh. People eat more protein, they don’t eat more calcium, their body has to extract calcium from their bones therefore you get osteoporosis. That’s like taking this little bit of information, teeny tiny picture of the puzzle and it doesn’t work this way.


What it actually happens is a couple of things. When you eat more proteins you also stimulate an increase of something like insulin growth factor, which actually stimulates bone density. When you eat more protein in the context of a SANE lifestyle, right SANE isn’t just about do this one thing. It’s about do this beautiful harmony of things. To eat a SANE lifestyle, you’re not only eating more protein in the standard American diet, but you’re taking in radically more phosphorous. Phosphorous is another mineral which when you eat more phosphorous, it actually sort of negates the calcium.


The point is, is that when we look at, it’s called like the nutritionism, we look at the slivers of the puzzle and it’s like it gives you just bad confusing information whereas, if you were to eat protein like a normal person would which is you eat protein from food, the foods that contain protein miraculously or as evolution or a designer would have that depending on your believe system, if a food requires more of a certain substance were to not kill you it’s pretty neat that most natural sources of protein also contain phosphorous in them, which help to mitigate the need for calcium.


If there’s this beautiful synergy of actual real food and this is why eating real food is so important, because it’s like some fruit has sugar in it, but you know what, the negative impact of food is mitigated by fiber and the SANE fruits have a high amount of fiber in them. When eating in the context of a natural whole food SANE lifestyle and we see the whole picture of nutrition, a lot of this sort of confusing non-sense goes away because we’re seeing the whole picture.


Same with fluoride and green tea. The question with fluoride and green tea is, it’s not a fair question for us to ask ourselves of like, does drinking more green tea increase the amount of fluoride you ingest? Technically that’s not a complete question. A complete question is does drinking more green tea add more fluoride to your diet and does the amount of fluoride it adds outweigh all of the benefits of drinking green tea? That’s a totally different way of thinking. It even comes up with the whole certain things about vegetables. You’ll read articles in the popular magazines which are like, you should never eat kale raw because if you eat kale raw it has more X.


It’s probably true that eating kale raw has more X. Eating kale raw has this one bad thing about it. That’s not a complete question. The complete question is, is the one bad thing that happens when we eat kale raw worse than all of the good things that happen when we eat kale raw put together? It’s all about the net. For the fluoride and green tea the question is not, is there anything bad about this? The question is, does this have way more good than bad and is the bad so unlikely or insignificant that there is a near certain chance that they will not have a meaningful impact on my life? That is how we think in other areas of life. For example, every time you get in your car there’s a higher percentage chance that you will die than just about any other context you’ll be in except war. More people die from traffic accidents than almost all other avoidable things.


Every time we get into a car, if we were to say, does getting into a car radically increase the chance of you dying today? The answer is yes. Radically. It’s so much more likely that you’re going to die if you get into a car today. We’re not going to say, I’m never going to get into a car. I can get to work efficiently if I get to my car and it’s guaranteed that I can be a functioning member of society if I get into my car that car that we’re willing to say the net of getting into my car has way more good than bad. That’s the key thing. It’s never like, oh, you can’t just look at one side of the equation. We can’t just look at one factor. We have to look at it as a symphony.


Even with SANE eating, another example of it is sometimes you might be talking to somebody about your SANE lifestyle and they are like, oh, my gosh, that’s a lot of protein. What they don’t understand is that you’re training Eccentrically or hopefully you’re training Eccentrically, or doing some form of resistance training.


A human being who is training Eccentrically has a totally different protein requirement than someone who isn’t. It’s a symphony. We have to look at the whole picture and that’s why the progress versus perfection isn’t just like a happy thing to make us feel good about ourselves. It’s true because oftentimes we can’t have all the information we need right now. It’s a gradual process and as we give ourselves time to sort of take the things we know to be true and the reason we know they’re true is because there’s peer reviewed science saying it’s true, you have personal experience seeing that it’s true and there’s like a long history of it being true. Human beings have eaten certain foods for a really long time and for a really long time it didn’t cause them any problems. Then there are certain foods that human beings started eating in the past 40 years and ever since we started eating them everything went to heck and we have a huge amount of science that explains the biology as to why that could be true.


Then we start to say, okay, there are some things we’re pretty sure of. You start with those things that you’re sure of. You focus on those things that you’re sure of. Then anytime one of these little like does this have anything bad or wrong in it comes up, it’s worth thinking about and it’s worth digging into, but just please make sure that you’re giving yourself the full picture. It’s never, is this good or bad? The full picture is good or bad for me based on my goals? Is the net effect of this good or bad? Not just the limited aspect. Hopefully, that’s a little bit helpful and more information than you may have wanted.


Let’s see here. Oxalates. It’s good stuff here. Hopefully, I haven’t bored everybody. There’s fewer chats than normal.


Holly is saying that if I am not currently eccentrically working out then I should not be eating 30 grams of protein per meal for protein?  No, you absolutely should. It’s great question Holly.


The muscle protein synthesis you’re getting triggered is still only going to get happen in 30 grams or more. It’s usually just the total quantity of protein needed not the dose. The dose is the same no matter what. Someone who’s training very intensely might do more 30 grams servings per day than you. This is the thing about calorie counting that doesn’t work. The more you exercise, just like if you go out and exercise and you sweat a lot more water out causes more water in. You get thirsty. The more water you sweat off, the more water you take in. The more calories you burn off, the hungrier you become. People have a day at the fair and they’re walking around all day and they get home and they’re like, oh, my gosh, I’m so hungry. Why am I so hungry?  Well, you’ve just been walking around for six hours, you just burnt off a bunch of calories, you’re going to be hungry.


When you’re training Eccentrically, the number of servings of proteins is going to go to up. When you’re not training eccentrically your appetite is usually going to regulate itself down so you still want to go for that 30 gram mark because that’s still required for the muscle protein synthesis, but when you start to exercise eccentrically you’re probably going to want to increase the frequency of those feedings to increase the benefits. Hope that is helpful.


I’ve been going like super advanced on this session and there’re a few questions here, but there is a bunch of them of them have to do with mental stuff which we’ve covered. There’s also a question here which says, last session I said something about too much water is bad for you. How much water is too much? Hopefully, some of the stuff we talked about in this call already answered that question. It’s so unlikely that you’re over drink water. I would strongly recommend not worrying about that.


It’s very difficult to over drink water. Please give yourself permission not to worry about that.


A question here about gluconeogenesis. That is what is this and is it true that the overconsumption of protein converts to glucose in the body via the liver? Yes. Absolutely yes. Gluconeogenesis, breaking it down, gluco is sugar, neo is new and genesis is creation good from the Latin roots. Gluconeogenesis means the creation of new sugar and yes, if you over-consume protein in excess over what your body needs it does get converted to glucose and is then metabolized like glucose. That’s why you don’t want to consume 500 grams of protein in a day. That’s just too much protein, it would put too much tax in your body in general and if you’re eating whole foods, that’s impossible to do. It’s physically impossible to eat 500 grams of protein, but yes. Excess protein is converted to sugar by the liver.


Question here about Xylitol. Erythritol. How do these differ from sugar? They are sugar alcohols so they are processed fundamentally different from your body. They don’t cause a lot of the same hormonal reactions because they’re not really caloric.


The easiest way to explain it is like a calorie of fat triggers a much different hormonal response in your body than a calories of glucose does which is a type of sugar which is different from a calorie of fructose which is another type of sugar. Xylitol and Erythritol, the reason they sound that’s like a biology name. All of these different substances just trigger different reactions in the body and Xylitol and Erythritol  just don’t trigger the negative hormonal responses that we’re after. How much is too much? If you start to have digestive problems, if you start to have any sort of diarrhea or anything like that or gas, that’s too much. If you’re consuming those in the quantities that are found in SANE recipes and in the SANE bars, it’s going to be very difficult to reach that negative threshold.


Then there’s questions about fermented foods, kefir, Kampuchea, cultured butter, cheese, kimchi. All these fall in the same spectrum. Fermented foods are fabulously SANE. Fermented plants are awesome. Things like cultured butter and cheese, those are going to go to other dairy. Kraut, kimchi those are fabulous. Amazing for your digestions. That’s good stuff. Advanced [Inaudible 01:28:26] we covered that, got some questions coming in.


The questions are not for me so I appreciate that. Jonathan, I’m having problems with oxalate acid every time I eat raw spinach in my glass. I see this got covered in the support group a little bit. This is actually the first time I’ve heard of someone having the sort of oral situation. That’s something which I would definitely I would talk to not only your dentist, but just your physician with. I will be the first one to tell you when I don’t know the answer to something like that I don’t know the answer to this. I don’t want to do you a disservice Jeanie. Jeanie also asks she weighs 225 lbs., how many servings of fat should she be eating? The general range of protein is between 100 and 200 grams per day and it’s usually about 0.9 grams or 1 gram per pound of body weight. You want to think about that in terms of more of like your ideal body weight. For example, a 6’3” large framed male, is going to be much higher than someone who is smaller framed and carrying a lot of excess fat on their body.


You want to think about a gram of protein per pound of more like your ideal body weight. If you think of yourself when you were your fittest, while you were an adult obviously that would be a good starting point and I’d say don’t go below that. Don’t ever go above 200 grams for anyone on this. If you’re a large male athlete let me know and we can come up with a recommendation other than that. It’s generally between 100 and 200 divided into 30 gram doses. Where it falls in that range is a function of your activity level and what you weighed when you were at your fittest if that’s helpful. How many servings of fats you should be eating is just in a lot of ways a function of how hungry you are and where you’re on your SANE journey.


This was talked about a little bit in the support group this week which is remember that if an individual has a 100 pounds of excess fat on their body in a lot of ways we already have hundreds of servings of fats already inside of us. That doesn’t mean we should never eat whole food fats it just means for example that once you’re hormonally healed, your body will be eating fat without you physically eating because it will actually be burning fat off your hips for example rather than fat that passes through your lips. What you’ll actually see, which is spontaneous reduction of caloric intake is as your body starts to eat more of the fat that’s already stored inside your body your appetite will fall. A lot of people will say that the number one problem they have with the SANE lifestyle is the opposite of what they have at calorie counting where they just can’t eat. They can’t eat all the food. They can’t eat six servings of protein and six servings of fats and you don’t need to.


We talked about in a previous session. You want to make sure you’re hitting the double digits servings of veggies. You want to make sure you’re hitting at least three to four servings of protein. I wouldn’t drop below two servings of whole food fats because there are those essential fatty acids that you need, but just remember that your body will be burning fats you can be eating fat even though you are not eating it with your mouth, if that makes sense. Hopefully, that is helpful.


7 o’clock already. That flew by and I hope folks let me know via the chat box what you thought about this session. You thought it was helpful please send an email afterwards. There’s a bunch of mental stuff that we didn’t get to and there’s some questions that we didn’t get to.


I’m trying to figure out the best way to balance providing sort of like a really cutting edge things with answering questions because in a lot of ways the really cutting edge stuff will not be prompted by a question because since I’ve never talked about it before it’s hard for someone to ask a question that would cause me to give that answer.


I need your help to figure out how we want to balance sort of me bringing new stuff into these sessions versus me answering questions which by definition will usually be things that aren’t that new because if they were new they wouldn’t be questions about them in the first place. You wouldn’t have any question, you wouldn’t have heard about them to ask questions about it.


If nothing else, this session was like a little bit of an intimate peek into how my brain works and why I think my wife is going straight to heaven because there’s a lot of crazy stuff going on up here, but sometimes it turns into positivity.


I hope it turned into positivity for you and I hope you enjoyed our time together. As always I wanted to close our session today with my sincerest thanks for being here.


I do apologize there’s a bunch of questions that I didn’t get to but please submit the next time and I really hope this was helpful. I appreciate being able to go a little bit crazy during these sessions. It really makes them fun for me because this is stuff that doesn’t get covered anywhere else and I feel so privileged and honored to be able to share it with you. Thank you again.


Myself, the entire SANE team, January was a fantastic month, February is being a fantastic month as well. We’ve got some amazing things in the works and the SANE family is just such a beautiful family to be a part of and I thank you so much and again thank you. I hope this was helpful and I look forward to seeing you in the support group this week and to chatting again soon. Have a great night.

SANE Psychology

  • It’s great to be as consistent as possible with SANEity. The more consistently you can eat vegetables the better. The longer you go SANE the more you’ll notice why progress versus perfection works. Think of your metabolic system a lot like your immune system. If you have a healthy immune system, if you temporarily catch cold, it’s not the end of the world. While you might get sick for a little bit, your immune system is still healthy. It will work to resolve that problem over time. You can never avoid all bacteria and all viruses. That’s not possible. What you can do is you can keep your immune system as healthy as possible so that when things do go not according to plan a.k.a. viruses and bacteria, you can recover quickly. Think of your metabolic system the same way. If you have a healthy metabolic system a little bit of inSANEity isn’t going to break the system. It’s just like a little bit of cold.


  • As you go SANE and as you heal your metabolism, if you have to travel, go to birthday party or it’s Thanksgiving or if it’s the holidays and there’s a little bit of inSANEity, you’re going to bounce back from that.


  • Emotional eating causes us to feel a certain way due to brain chemistry. When we are triggered to eat emotionally, the trigger for that is usually there’s an environmental or psychological cue which then causes the release of certain hormones and neurotransmitters in our brain. There’s a certain type of brain chemistry that takes place and these receptors open up and say, “feed me with happiness.” Basically, “I am sad, I’m stressed, I’m anxious. Feed me with happiness.” That happens. Our brain is in a certain state. We can identify the factors in our life that trigger these neurological states. While we might not be able to change all of them, we can try to change some of them by avoiding the negative stimulus. We can also try to control our reaction to toxic stimulus.


  • We need to give ourselves permission to have a shift in mindset to gradual patient progress. Focus on gradual, patient, consistent progress versus immediate perfection.


  • You are your number one caretaker. You know more about yourself than any person on the planet could.


What to Eat

  • Is it good for me to eat healthfully while I’m trying to get pregnant? The answer is yes. Is it good for me to eat SANEly while I’m trying to get pregnant? The answer is yes. Everything about SANEity, with the exception of a few things such as certain types of seafood, will benefit you and your baby by reducing the hormonal chaos that goes on in the body, reducing inflammation caused by sugar, and increasing nutrient density. SANE is just helping us to actually define what healthy means.


  • It’s really hard to stay motivated when you feel like you don’t know what’s going on or you feel like you’re not doing a good job. If you feel like you’re doing a good job, motivation is really easy. There are things like believing that what you’re doing has a higher purpose. Believing that you’re good at what you’re doing. Seeing progress in what you’re doing. These things help us with our motivation so much. How can we leverage those principles? Well progress. This is why we talk about focusing on process goals rather than results goals because if you see progress from things you can control, then you are motivated to keep going.


  • It is fine to freeze Garden in my Glass powder and whey powder. In fact, keeping them in the freezer is a good idea just to maximize freshness.


  • Your freezer is one of the top kitchen utensils or appliances. If you don’t shop in bulk and cook in bulk and you don’t have a personal chef and you have any other responsibilities in your life, I don’t know if SANE eating is possible.


  • There are a couple of reasons why drinking water is super important. One is that it creates a state in your body known as hypo-osmolality. What that means is that the balance of certain substances inside of your cells and outside of your cells changes such that it is actually easier for your body to pass fatty acids out of the cells and burn them for energy. In order to burn fat, triglyceride, (fats stored in your body), needs to leave the cells to go into your bloodstream and get burned. When you drink a lot of water, that process is easier for your body.


  • Water also helps eliminate toxins. When you’re going SANE, you’re going to be taking in a lot of certain nutrients. It helps to process urea out of the system. It helps with protein metabolism. It helps with fiber and not feeling bloated because it helps to eliminate waste more readily. The third big reason to drink water is it makes it easier not to drink bunch of inSANE nonsense.


  • If you are the only one eating SANE in your family, consider cooking in bulk or creating modular meals where there’s a shared component that everyone can enjoy with SANE and inSANE components for different members of the family. We all have different tastes, but if you can find one meal per week that your family enjoys and then file that away, in 3 months you will have 12 go-to meals you know your family is going to enjoy. Then after 6 months you’ll have 24 meals to choose from. After a year, you have a whole repertoire of meals that you know your whole family enjoys. You might not have seven perfect meals that your family likes this week and that’s okay and you shouldn’t get discouraged.


  • If we eat totally SANE and eat SANE desserts, maybe four fats a day, is that bad? If doing that takes you farther away from your goals then I would say it’s bad for you. If it takes you closer to your goals then I would say it’s good for you. When I say goals, I’m saying goal plural because there’s quite a few people who would say that I have a goal of not getting diabetes and not being able to see my feet when I look down and to really enjoy food. That’s a very different goal than “I want to see my abs.” They are very different goals. The person who wants to see their abs says, “I don’t care. I don’t really like food that much or at least I don’t like food as much as I like seeing my abs.” For that person, what’s good for them is a function of what their goals are. Whether something is good or bad for you depends upon what your personal health goals are. If your goal is to just adhere to the SANE framework then the framework is generally two to six servings of whole fats per day. It’s not bad according to the SANE framework.


  • Xylitol and Erythritol are sugar alcohols so they are processed fundamentally different by your body. They don’t cause a lot of the same hormonal reactions because they’re not really caloric.



  • When you’re not training eccentrically your appetite will usually regulate itself. While you will need less protein, you will still want to aim for 30 grams because that’s required for muscle protein synthesis. When you start to exercise eccentrically, you’re probably going to want to eat protein more frequently in order to increase the benefits.