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Ep.16 – Eat Fat, Stay Slim – How Low Fat Eating Leads To Overeating

Jonathan: Hey everyone. Jonathan Bailor, Carrie Brown, living the Smarter Science of Slim. Carrie Brown, everyone is waiting. They’ve been waiting all week long. Myself and the *millions* of Smarter Science of Slim listeners wants to know how you’re doing.

Carrie: I have some serious issues today, Jonathan.

Jonathan: Good issues or bad issues?

Carrie: Well, the first one, my major issue, is bad.

Jonathan: Ha ha. OK. Folks we don’t have too much time for the Smarter Science of Slim today but Carrie, go ahead, emotional health is also important.

Carrie: Ha ha. It’s your shirt! It says Kellogg’s Fruit Loops! We don’t eat Fruit Loops, Jonathan!

Jonathan: It’s ironic! It’s ironic. Yes, I am wearing a Fruit Loops t-shirt today but it is all in the good fun.

Carrie: The good part of the t-shirts is that it has a very happy toucan on it. And I will go with that. I’m fine. Let’s talk about science.

Jonathan: Let’s talk about science. Well, I think this week we just need to pick up where we left off last week. Glad we could start on a jovial note this week, because last week was a little bit of a downer podcast. Maybe not too much but we definitely reviewed a lot of the bad science that has gone into the dietary guidelines which has led us down the path of unparalleled obesity and sickness. I mean, frankly, before these guidelines came out, it’s actually ironic and sad, before we were pressured into ‘being healthy’ we were a lot healthier which is kind of ironic, right. If you think about two or three generations ago no-one tried to be healthy. They didn’t *try* to be healthy but they were healthier. Today we are obsessed with health and we are sicker than we have ever been. So some interesting questions about how that happened. We went over these last time, we saw a big part of this was a fear of fat, the technical term is lipophobia, where we fear consuming natural sources of fat and there are two big reasons that has happened – we talked about the bad science bad week, but there are two other high level reasons – one is the idea by consuming fat we will overeat, and we will disprove that, the other one is that by eating fat we will be doing something bad to our cholesterol. I don’t think we will have time for cholesterol this week, today let’s focus on this whole concept of “if you eat foods containing fat you will overeat” because that is just not true.

Carrie: I just had someone in my office the other day. They came in and I had this big basket of nuts for snacks and they came in and I said “have some nuts” and she said “no, they have a lot of fat in them”.

Jonathan: And they do. She is right. They do.

Carrie: So I gave her the elevator pitch for the Smarter Science of Slim because I am like that but it was interesting, that her first reaction to nuts, which are good, right, was “I can’t eat nuts, they’re fat”.

Jonathan: I actually love you brought up this example, Carrie, because that will tie right back into the science we’ll talk about here. Let’s just jump into it, because it’s a perfect segway. So, the major objection to consuming dietary fat, or one of them, is the idea that doing so will lead to overeating. And the reason people sometimes think this is that fat contains more calories per gram than the two other macronutrients. So three macronutrients: protein, carbohydrate and fat. Protein and carbohydrate contain approximately 4 calories per gram whereas fat contains 9. Alcohol contains 7 as a side note. People are like “if you eat more fat, you are going to eat more calories and then you are going to get fat”. But, hold on a second! We know, the science shows – we talked about this in previous podcasts – that how much we eat is determined by the calories’ satiety and we know that a calories’ satiety, or the food’s satiety, is determined how much water, fibre and protein we consume. You’ll notice that fat is not in that list. So, a food that is high in water, high in fibre and high in protein and also contains some fat is going to be very satisfying whereas a food that is dry, low in fibre and low in protein and that contain fat will not be satisfying. The point here is that fat is not the determiner of whether or not a food fills us up quickly and keeps us full for a long time. The determiner of satiety is water, fibre and protein. So if we are trying to avoid foods that predispose us to consuming too many calories, the idea is not to avoid foods containing fat, the idea is to avoid low satiety foods or dry, low fibre, low protein starches and sweets. So the whole “well, there’s a bunch of fat in it so it’s going to make us overeat” is just false. This is the whole concept around “once you pop, you can’t stop” because these salty snack foods are rich in carbohydrate, these are the things we have a hard time not overeating. Oftentimes if you pair fat with sugar, or you pair fat with starch, then it becomes easy to overeat but if you just eat fat in its natural state as a whole food, for example with some protein, maybe in some organic grass-fed beef or seafood or with some nuts, it’s very difficult to over-consume that because it’s accompanied with so many high-satiety calories.

Carrie: It’s also, that’s what we been pointing out over however many podcasts we’ve done now, that we have been bombarded with the notion that fat is what makes us fat. And I think on a very simple level it makes sense to people that if you eat fat, you’re going to store it as fat and so you are going to get fat. So I think all you just said, plus the fact that we have had all this fat-brainwashing, people just automatically equate eating fat with getting fat. We know that is not necessarily true.

Jonathan: Dr Ravnskov, a famous researcher in the cholesterol and dietary fat arena, actually speaks to that point directly. Quoting him directly: “The idea that you become fat by eating fat is just as silly as saying that you become green by eating green vegetables”. It’s just a little bit silly, but it does kind of speak to that point a bit about how this concept of just because you eat fat we’re led to believe we become fat is not true. Just like eating green vegetables doesn’t make us green. The things that make us fat are the foods that trigger over-eating and these foods have been proven to be low in water, low in fibre and low in protein. You’ll notice fat isn’t even in that equation and foods that cause a negative hormonal reaction, or a hormonal reaction in the body that predisposes us to store fat rather than burn fat, if you want to learn about this check out Gary Taubes’ work he has gone into this in detail, where carbohydrate, especially starches and sweets, are the fuel that trigger the body to store rather than to burn fat. Eating fat can very easily just be burnt whereas if we create a hormonal environment in our body using an abundance of starches and sweets, again low-satiety foods, this is when we store fat. Not when we consume fat.

Carrie: That’s awesome. Do you know why it’s awesome?

Jonathan: Why is it awesome?

Carrie: Because fat tastes fabulous!

Jonathan: There’s a reason it tastes fabulous. We need to eat it. It’s an abundance source of nutrition. The important thing to keep in mind is that, like we talked about before, there are essential fatty acids, substances found in dietary fat, that we must eat or our health suffers. It’s critical to a healthy hormonal environment that we eat whole food natural sources of fat. Again this doesn’t mean, we all necessarily have to go on a 70 percent fat ketogenic diet, but it does mean going back to your example Carrie, when someone sees a bowl of snacks available and they’re hungry, if they have to choose between a source of moderate protein, low-sugar, low-starch, high-fat such as nuts or seeds, or they can choose a low-fat, high-sugar, high-starch snack bar. The problem is, we’ve been led to believe that the 100 calorie snack bar is what we should choose, but what that is going to do is 1) it’s not going to satisfy us at all so we are probably going to eat 4 of them and then we are going to drink soda but we’re still not going to have any energy and we will end up overeating, and in fact this has been substantiated by a massive amount of data where the fear of fat and fearing it because we think that if we eat it we are going to over-consume food has absolutely led to us eating more. If you actually look at the data since the dietary goals document that we talked about one or two podcasts ago was released in the late ‘70s the ratio of carbohydrate and fat in our diet has changed dramatically. Specifically the percentage of our daily intake coming from carbohydrate has gone up tremendously and as has our total intake of calories. So we *have* been eating more but we have been eating more, many would argue, because we shifted our diet away from high-satiety, natural foods which contained fat to low-satiety, fat-free starches and sweets. This has resulted in us needing to eat more calories in order to feel fuller and because of this we are consuming more calories. The percent of calories from fat in our diets has dropped continuously for the past 40 years while our rates of obesity and total caloric intake have increased so again: This may seem a little bit obvious now when we look at it this way, but to say that we will avoid over-eating by reducing the amount of high-satiety, potentially naturally fattening foods and replace them with low-satiety starches and sweets is nonsense. You don’t avoid over-eating by eating more low-satiety foods. That’s the way you encourage over-eating, not the way you avoid it. So the key thing we need to do, is not focus on high-fat/low-fat, we need to focus on high satiety, high nutrition, low aggression, low efficiency, the four factors that determine calorie quality that we talked about earlier. Those foods may or may not contain fat.

Carrie: Well, and I love the science, but for me the key point here, being someone that just loves food, the key point is that not only does eating low fat not make you lose weight. It also tastes terrible. So for me, what you just said, equals, you know you can eat good fats and you can enjoy them because they taste good and you don’t have to worry about putting on weight and that for me, for all the science, for all the fabulousness that you have just explained, for me that’s where it’s at.

Jonathan: I love that, because we as humans are genetically programmed to crave essentially three tastes. I forget the name of the gentlemen that wrote the book The End of Overeating but he goes into this in detail, talks about our craving for sweet, our craving for salty and our craving for fat. And what research shows is again that we can go SANE, we can enjoy fat, we can even enjoy salty, we can enjoy sweet but that’s the one we need to watch out for the most. Of those three things, again a lot of those diets we’ve heard about in the past we lose all of them. It’s just like you are eating bran-this and it’s just foul. Research actually shows that you can enjoy salty things, you can enjoy the taste of fat, sweet is the one we need to be careful for, but two out of three ain’t bad.

Carrie: Right.

Jonathan: So there are a lot of options available to us. And Carrie, one other thing that I wanted to touch on, I mentioned it in passing and some readers may have picked up on it, and that was I mentioned again the whole point of this low-fat campaign it had to do with cholesterol – we’ll get to that in the next podcast – but it also had to do with the fear of overeating. And since we have as a culture successfully reduced the percent of our calories coming from fat, we have done that successfully if we look at the data, we see a corresponding increase in the total calories we are consuming which makes sense, right, because we have shifted high-satiety foods out of our diet in favour of low-satiety starches and sweets. But now people might say: “Jonathan, you have just stated and the data supports that we are consuming more food now than we ever have before, doesn’t that get back to the very early podcasts? You are saying it’s about calories in/calories out because we are consuming more calories now and we are heavier now, there’s the explanation, why did you even create those first five podcasts about the set-point?” Do you wonder that, Carrie?

Carrie: No. Because I am trapped in a small room with you every week listening to all this stuff so I no longer wonder that.

Jonathan: Ha ha, alright, alright, well for listeners who do not have the opportunity to mock my clothing and spend any personal time with me let me quickly dispel which maybe a fear or a potential critique of the set-point research. So this is a great research study done by two researchers Duffey and Popkin at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, they use a technique known as mathematical decomposition to analyse a bunch of data and they discovered that the number of calories consumed per person per day increased from about 1,800 calories per day in 1977 to about 2,400 calories per day in 2006 so that’s a gradual increase of approximately 600 calories per day per person. So, you could imagine someone just listening to the last 90 seconds of this podcast and concluding: “Well, there you go, proof: Metabolism works like math, more calories in means we gain weight and that is just what happened”. Off to the treadmill to exercise more because that increases calories out. But hold on, this is actually an incredibly powerful point to make, and again we really need to get the whole manually balanced calories in/calories out of our mind because until that is gone for example we are still going to fear fat because you are right: Fat contains more calories than protein or carbohydrate. So let’s dig a little bit deeper here. Let’s actually do some calorie math and see what Dr Duffey and Dr Popkin’s data show. By 2006 we are eating 570 more calories per person per day than we were in 1977. Let’s assume that we gradually worked our way up to 570 over the course of decades. So for the 29 years between 1977 and 2006 let’s say on average each person ate 300 more calories per person per day, because it’s probably a gradual climb so it’s averaging it out. So let’s do some math. 300 calories per day per person x 365 days of the year = 109,500 more calories per person per year. Now we have 29 years so we multiply that number with 29 and we get 3,175,500 more calories consumed per person between 1977 and 2006. Super simple but hold on, there’s 3,500 calories in a pound of fat so let’s continue our metabolism math experiment here. 3,500 calories in a pound of fat, take that abundance of calories the average person consumed 3,175,500 divide it by 3,500 calories in a pound of fat and we should have all gained 907 extra pounds of fat.

Carrie: Wow.

Jonathan: That’s not debatable. That’s math. The data show we consumed more calories, correct. In fact we consumed well over 3 million calories per person per year than we did historically over the course of 29 years. However, if it was just about calories in and calories out we would have all gained about 900 pounds. We haven’t. We are definitely heavier, but we are not even *close* to as heavy as we would be if the metabolism worked like math. Metabolism doesn’t work like math and in fact the reason we don’t weigh 900 pounds more and only a teeny, tiny fraction of that, we’re heavier but we’re less than 10 percent heavier than as we would expect if it was just about math.

Carrie: Because we are eating relatively more than 10 percent extra calories than we were, but we are only 10 percent heavier.

Jonathan: Not even 10 percent, we are not 90 pounds heavier, we are not even that. We might be 5 percent heavier, on average, so that right there actually, instead of arguing against the set-point is a pretty compelling argument for the set-point because our body was doing its damnedest to regulate us, and actually did a pretty decent job, in the face of 3 million extra calories we only gained a tiny fraction of weight compared to what we should have gained so pretty interesting data there. The point again is the reason I mention that in this podcast specifically is that it is not about manually regulating calories in/calories out and since it is not, we do not necessarily have to worry about the amount of calories in a gram of fat because 1) consuming fat satisfies us and because it satisfies us and is component in high-satiety food our body will automatically prevent us from going bananas with it. The things our body goes bananas with are dry, low-fibre, low-protein starches and sweets. Now people might say again: “But potato chips, they are fattening, French fries, they are fattening, it’s hard for me to stop eating them.” That is right it’s paired with starch or cake, fattening, paired with starch and sugar. But there is one other area which people may bring up, and they should, which is nuts. Personally, if you put a freaking one pound bowl of almonds in front of me, I could eat the entire bowl and that is too many calories. 3-4,000 calories right there. So the key is again, remember satiety: water, fibre and protein, so when we do enjoy fat we should do it in the context of other foods or foods that are high in water, fibre and protein. So if you want to enjoy some fat, make sure you get water, fibre and protein, make sure you are getting some meat, some seafood, some non-starchy vegetables along with those nuts and you’ll be fine, you won’t overeat them. Don’t eat them alone.

Carrie: Do you know what my favourite line in your book is?

Jonathan: Wow, what is it? I want to know. I’m actually very curious… as an author.

Carrie: Ha ha… “Eat as much cheese as will keep you happy”. I love that line.

Jonathan: “Eat as much cheese as will keep you happy”. Yes.

Carrie: When I’m standing in front of the fridge or I’m thinking about what I want to eat and I often think about cheese, because I love cheese, and apparently, I heard this thing on the radio the other day, that the thing most people find hard to give up when they are trying to lose weight is cheese. And I’m a big cheese fan. Every time I’m in that moment where I am going “but I can’t eat cheese because it’s fat and it will make me fat” I think about that line in the book where it says: “Eat as much cheese as will keep you happy” and so… yeah, that’s my favourite line in the book. But I do know to pair it with SANE foods but I don’t have any issues now. If I’m having a cheese moment now and I’ve got this yummy veggie-filled omelette going on and I’m having a cheese-moment I will grate cheese all over that puppy and I’ll just have a fabulous time. But I no longer have that “oh I can’t put cheese on it because it will make me fat” – I just don’t have that anymore.

Jonathan: And hopefully you also don’t afterwards feel guilty or bad like have done some kind of sin?

Carrie: Hell no!

Jonathan: Ha ha, and folks some other helpful tips when it comes to cheese and even fat in general. Cheese, generally speaking the lighter the colour of the cheese, the more SANE it’s going to be. So that is just something to keep in mind. Cheese like mozzarella or parmesan is more SANE than cheddar. Also if you are going to do cheese, make sure it is as minimally processed as possible. If it comes out of a can – if there is aerosol involved – that’s just… don’t do that!

Carrie: Ha ha, yeah on several levels, if it comes in an aerosol don’t do that.

Jonathan: And then, really SANE option for cheese: Cottage cheese is cheese and for example if you make scrambled eggs, anything with eggs if you put cottage cheese into it, water actually evaporates out and it really gives those eggs a wonderful cheesy taste. You can even melt cottage cheese. Use cottage cheese in dishes like you would use a ricotta cheese, wonderful taste. I also use parmesan cheese because it has such a strong flavour to it a little goes a long way. And that’s another recommendation: Try to stick with lighter colour cheeses with really strong flavour because the stronger the flavour the more you think “OK I got my fix” because it’s so strong.

Carrie: One of my most… in fact it may be my most popular recipe on my blog, my most popular SANE recipe on my blog was the parmesan squash. And the people I made it for where just like “oh my god, I feel like I have eaten ogreten and potatoes.

Jonathan: Tell us about the SANE squash ogreten and potato substitute.

Carrie: It was squash instead of potatoes and then I just made a very light sauce to which I added a cup of almond meal to give it some body and then I layered it with parmesan and grilled it in the oven and they just loved this thing and I had more hits on that recipe than I think any other recipe that I have posted.

Jonathan: And you served it with a main dish?

Carrie: I don’t remember, but we had a chicken dish and a big salad and this parmesan squash and the people I made it for were just like “I don’t even miss potatoes. This is just like eating potatoes ogreten”.

Jonathan: I love it. You got the protein, you got the water, you got the fibre, you paired it with the almond meal, some cheese. It’s a rich, delicious meal and you enjoy it and you are full and you don’t feel deprived and if we are going to do this for the rest of our lives, which again we have to, if we ever stop doing what we are doing to achieve health, we are going to backslide so we have to make sure it’s sustainable. That freaking ogreten potato substitute sounds pretty sustainable to me.

Carrie: It was delicious and you would never… if you didn’t know about this and I served it to you, you would never think you were on a diet or if you were on a diet you would look at it and go “I can’t eat that”, but you can.

Jonathan: You absolutely can. So this is awesome. This is awesome Carrie. No avoiding nuts in favour of starches and sweets. No avoiding fat in favour of starches and sweets. Enjoy whole foods. Whole foods contain fat and the data for this is all over. In the show notes I have posted a bunch of charts that show the inverse relationship between our efforts to avoid fat substituting it with starch, obesity then goes up precipitously, diabetes goes up and this is not some theory, this is known, for example even the Center for Disease Control and Prevention reported: “During 1971 and 2000 a statistically significant increase in average intake incurred.” OK, we talked about that, but they follow with: “The increase in energy intake is attributable primarily to an increase in carbohydrate intake.” That is absolutely key. And let’s keep going on here. That was the CDC, now we’ve got the USDA, the actual people who told us to avoid natural foods containing fat in favour of natural starches and sweets. They’ve gone on record saying that since the 1970s the major dietary trend has been “dramatically increased consumption of carbohydrate”. They actually found that starch consumption has increased by nearly 60 pounds per person per year and that sweetener consumption has increased by nearly 30 pounds per person per year. Carrie, that’s 90 additional pounds of low-quality, low-satiety food every year. And why are we eating that? Because we cannot tolerate hunger so if we eat low-satiety foods, starches and sweets we will eat more of them.

Carrie: But we are also eating that, because we’ve been bombarded with pseudo-science that says this is low-fat or this is healthy, you know, so we are doing what we have been led to believe is a good thing. So it is not just that we are ravenously hungry and greedy, it’s not. Part of it is that we have been brainwashed into believing that this stuff is good for us so therefore we can eat whatever we like because it is healthy.

Jonathan: That is a great distinction. The point that I was making is that we eat more of these foods because we have to in order to feel full and Carrie, what I hear you saying is that we are also intentionally eating more of these foods because we think they are going to help our health. It is almost like taking medicine, like “if I eat more whole grains I will be healthier” whereas in reality you are probably not.

Carrie: Right.

Jonathan: So, no, that’s great and if anyone has objections with the whole fat thing and the science we have covered that in previous podcasts. Let me give two fresh new quotes here. This is coming from the chair of the Department of Nutrition at Harvard, Dr Willett says: “There is no good evidence linking dietary fat with excess weight. In fact, there is plenty of evidence showing that the percentage of calories from fat is not the culprit leading to excess weight” and Dr Willett continues: “In country-to-country surveys across Europe women with the lowest fat intakes are the most likely to be obese while those with the highest fat intake are the least likely.” And then one more a fellow researcher at Harvard, Dr Hew makes a similar point: “Although a reduction in the percentage of calories from dietary fat intake is commonly recommended for weight loss, long term clinical trials have provided no good evidence that reducing dietary fat per se can lead to weight loss.” We have been misinformed, Carrie, we have just been simply misinformed.

Carrie: I feel myself getting mad again.

Jonathan: And another key point, just one other key point. We have had a couple of key points. One is: Don’t fear fat! If you do you will actually end up overeating. Carrie’s point is: Don’t eat low-fat foods…

Carrie: Because it tastes nasty!

Jonathan: … because it tastes nasty and it is not helping your health, in fact it is actually hurting your health for the insulin reasons we talked about earlier. The other key take-away is that what we are *not* saying is “go eat a stick of butter”. I think I have said this a couple of times already. This is not a go-eat-a-low-carbohydrate-diet necessarily. The food guide pyramid and the My Plate that we are given by the United States Department of Agriculture recommends that we get 65 percent of our calories from carbohydrate, again remember carbohydrate is not bad, but to say that a diet that contains 65 percent carbohydrate is a balanced meal… we see this picture on cereal boxes, right, balanced breakfast. What’s in that picture? Cereal = carbohydrate, milk = carbohydrate, juice = carbohydrate, toast = carbohydrate.

Carrie: What’s balanced about that? Where is the balance, people?

Jonathan: If we wanted balance we might have an omelette = protein and fat, some non-starchy vegetables = carbohydrate with some berries = carbohydrate. That’s balanced. That’s delicious and that’s satisfying and that’s healthy. So it is not about high-fat or high-protein or high-carbohydrate. It’s just about being balanced. And another interesting way of looking at the lack of balance is 1) the average American eats a high-carbohydrate diet, not a balanced diet, but a high-carbohydrate diet, so saying that you are going to slightly reduce the consumption of starches and sweets doesn’t mean you are on a low-carbohydrate diet, it actually means that you are just trying to actually eat a balanced diet. And to put this into perspective, again remember the USDA recommends 65 percent of our calories coming from carbohydrate, the Atkins diet which has gotten a lot of press and actually Dr Atkins had to testify before the Senate for recommending what in later phases of the diet amounts to be a 65 percent fat diet and the Senate or Congress got upset with Dr Atkins for recommending such and “unbalanced diet”. “You get 65 percent of your calories from fat. We know that a much more balanced diet is getting 65 percent of your calories from carbohydrates”.

Carrie: Which is just as unbalanced, just in a different direction.

Jonathan: Exactly.

Carrie: We know that there is an agenda attached to the My Plate and I’ll leave it at that. Otherwise I will get upset.

Jonathan: Carrie, to your earlier point about people being well-intentioned and doing things they think help their health and in fact are harming their health instead being such a tragedy, I have a statistic here from a, at this point older edition of USA Today but when I was writing the book it was relatively recent, this came from the 13 January 2011 edition of USA Today. They took one of their famous polls and found that 72 percent of Americans claimed to eat a balanced diet and the implication in the article was like “Ha! You stupid Americans, how can 70 percent of you be overweight if 72 percent of you were eating a balanced diet”. Well, Carrie, if the ‘balanced’ diet is actually wildly out of balance it’s we absolutely could be eating a balanced diet and doing exactly what we have been told to do but the result is disaster!

Carrie: When they say “when 72 percent say they are eating a balanced diet” it’s because they are being good boys and girls and they are looking at My Plate and that’s what they are trying to eat. They think that it’s balanced.

Jonathan: Absolutely. So, avoiding fat will not help you avoid overeating, in fact it will cause you to overeat because it will cause you to avoid satisfying foods and we have seen that in the data. If you express this to anyone else who is not familiar with this science, they will probably say: “Well, but then again eating fat will harm your heart, won’t it?” Well, in the last podcast we talked about a billion dollars worth of scientific research that failed to show that and in fact showed the opposite for certain types of fats such as omega-3 poly-unsaturated fats. Eating more of them actually reduces your risk of just about every form of disease. The last objection you will hear is: “If I eat fat, won’t that hurt my cholesterol?” and that’s the myth that we need to dispel in the next podcast. We need to talk about how eating fat will *not* hurt your cholesterol.

Carrie: And I’m the poster child for that. You may be the poster child for just about everything else but I may claim to be the poster child for low cholesterol.

Jonathan: Folks, we’ve got some exciting things in store for you next week. We are going to put the nail in the coffin of lipophobia, which is the fear of fat, so that we can enjoy delicious SANE foods which contain fat because natural foods contain fat and we will know that we can do that because the act of doing that will actually protect us from overeating because we will be consuming high-satiety foods and we will be healing our heart and helping ourselves to avoid all the diseases of civilisation we hear so much about and we will actually help our cholesterol, not hurt it and that’s what we are getting to next week. Are you excited, Carrie?

Carrie: Do we have to wait another week?

Jonathan: We do. We are out of time. Well, folks thank you so much for joining us.

This week:
– How the harder we’ve tried to be healthy the sicker we’ve gotten
– The two major reasons we’ve been told to avoid foods containing fat…and science disproving them
– How avoiding whole foods that contain fat leads to overeating
– How whole food that are rich in water, fiber, and protein, and also contain fat, are incredibly satisfying and enable us to avoid overeating easily
– How saying “eating fat makes you fat” is like saying “eating greens makes you green”
– How inSANE dry, low fiber, and low protein starches and sweets are what lead to overeating
– How you should always choose moderate fat snacks over sugary or starchy snacks
– How the over the last few decades the percent of our calories coming from fat has decreased and how this was accompanied by an increase in total caloric intake

Less Natural Foods Containing Fat, More Overeating

Less Natural Foods Containing Fat, More Body Fat

How We Eat vs. Our Incidence of Weight Gain

How We Eat vs. Our Incidence of Diabetes

– Which two of the following three cravings it’s fine to give in to: sweet, fatty/savory, salty
– How we should have gained over 900 lbs. over the last few decades according Calories In – Calories Out
– How our set-point protected us from gaining hundreds of pounds over the past over the past few decades
– How fat is nearly impossible to overeat unless it is paired with starch or sweets
– How to easily avoid overeating nuts
– Which cheeses are the SANEst
– How to use cottage cheese and parmesan cheese to enhance many popular dishes
– A SANE and delicious substitute for potatoes au gratin
– How enjoying succulent whole foods containing fat is key to sustainable fat loss
– How we’re eating 60 more pounds of starch and 30 more pounds of sweeteners per person per year
– How we have to overeat when we eat inSANE low-Satiety foods
– How health and slimness isn’t about high carb, protein, nor fat, but rather balance
– How the USDA’s Food Guide Pyramid and Plate are as “balanced” as the Atkin’s diet
– How the average person eats a very high carbohydrate diet

The Food Guide Pyramid’s “Balanced” Diet

MyPlate’s “Balanced” Diet