Hi! I'm your SANE concierge. What can I help you find today?


You can ask me anything you want. We are going to have a lot of fun. We are going to keep the session to 90 minutes or till I pass out, that’s the new rule. Its either 90 minutes or Jonathan passes out, whichever one happens first. I have got some great questions that were sent in and I actually have something really cool that I want to demo for you. We were crushing it this week, we were saying, we have to have this ready for the group coaching call on Wednesday. And so I want to demo it. We released this live on the site half hour ago or something like that. So you can actually see this right now if you want but I want to demo it for you because sometimes the question we get is how do I get started? Or how do I use the various tools? Where do I go next? Or how does this stuff all work? Because there is a lot in the Ignite program. And we did this new thing we are calling it the SANE Guardian Angel. It’s a tour type of thing and we’ll demo that for you here. I want to give you a first look at it and then we will jump into some questions. This is kind of advanced, I’m going to try a demo live. Let’s see how this works and I’m going to share my screen. Hopefully I don’t have anything so crazy up on my screens here. Let’s see how this works.

If you can see welcome home Jonathan, that would be super, that would be really helpful. What you should see is welcome home Jonathan. Which will look similar to what you see when you are into your program except hopefully it says your name versus my name. What you will notice here is we have got a new little widget. It says; see how this works down here. You are going to start seeing these little guys all over the site and they are quite handy. But I’m not going to demo this one; I’m going to demo a different one. I’m going to demo the one which I get the question, where do I start? Oh everyone can see it. Thank you. Nicole, Julie, Catherine, Susan, Cynthia, Kate; we can all see it excellent.

Don’t leave me here now but after the session go to the site, check this out because it’s so epically cool. And I would love your feedback on how we can do this better and where else we can do them. If anyone ever asks or if you have questions about, where do I start? First and foremost start here. The big red button that says start here, that’s where you want to start. This is where you want to start and you can see these icons. I’m going to click on that and what that’s actually going to do is going to take me into my step by step program which you can also get to by clicking on this. But we just wanted to make it really clear that this is where you start. So you can click start here or you can click on step by step. If you are on an ipad or something like that this is going to look a `little bit different but if you click in the upper right hand corner, there is three little lines. You will see your main menu here. So you can see there is another little how this works thing right here. When I click that you are actually going to be taken on an interactive tour. This is so cool. You click next and it’s like, hey this is your step by step program and here is how it works. And your step by step by step program is made up of courses. And if you click this, you can see these are the lessons. And we take you through the lessons.

Actually let’s see what it looks like when you take a course. I’m going to click on take this course, and then boom it takes you into the course and it’s like, look now you are in a course. When you click next you can see that in the course there are lessons and here is each one of the lesson. And when you click next you go here and you can actually click view the lesson. Then when you click view the lesson you are taken into the lesson — how cool is that? Hold on, hold on. Then we will do Q&A. But this is pretty cool.

I’m going to go back to the homepage. If you have ever had any questions about how this guy works, how your profile works? You can just click here and say how does this work? It says welcome; let’s take a look at how this works. Here is where you start tracking your eating. Here is where you track your serving sizes and here is where you get more information on your serving sizes. And here is where you get recipes that tell you how to eat those serving sizes. And here is how you get coaching support if you have questions about those serving sizes. How cool is that? That’s pretty cool.

Hopefully that is helpful. Definitely check it out after our sessions here today. don’t leave me here now but hopefully you are as excited about that as I am because I know there is a lot in your Ignite program and I know at this point we really shouldn’t add more and more stuff but we should make sure the stuff that we have is really easy to use and really intuitive. So hopefully that little guided tour feature — we are going to be adding that to different places in the site. If you have suggestions, if there are areas which you are not really sure how they work that we can help with, please let us know in the support group and we will get the feature added or the tour added. That’s pretty cool.

It’s good to say that because it’s brand new as of 25 minutes ago. Let’s jump into questions here. Please feel free to ask questions live. Follow up questions are super helpful because that’s the point of these calls. We can have a dialogue. I’m going to try to crack through questions as first as I can and if you have them follow ups that are specific that’s great. And there are some questions I’m going to say these questions are so important. This is going to sound funny but these questions are so important that I don’t want to cover them here. Because we only have 90 minutes together and some questions like, how do I get my family to eat SANE? Or how do I eat SANE on the go? Or how do help my kids eat SANE. Those types of things or cravings. These are such big universal important issues that we’ve created entire modules and sections inside your Ignite program to cover them. I want to make sure that you enjoy those and then once you enjoy those if you have specific questions which aren’t covered there we can definitely cover those here in our chats together.

All right. With all that said let’s crank through this. Let’s do it. We’ve got some great questions that I promised I’ll answer from one of our awesome members and she asks that – I have read that it’s best to drink at least two glasses of water with either lemon juice or lime or apple or vinegar upon rising in the morning to help detox. Then best to wait a half hour after drinking the water before eating breakfast. What are my inputs on this?

Drinking two glasses of water with a natural acid such as lemon, lime, apple cider, vinegar upon waking up in the morning if fantastic. Drinking it throughout the day is fantastic. The more water with lemon juice, lime or apple or vinegar that you can have in it throughout the day is going to help you. That’s all good stuff. Drinking it first thing in the morning is a good idea. Waiting until you breakfast, I haven’t seen any pure reviewed research that says you should delay there. Again it might help but is it worth the stress? I don’t know. There are a lot of things which may or may not be helpful but what I can tell you is definitely not helpful is the stress some of these things induce. The example I used last week which I’m just going to say again here because I think it’s — actually no, hold on.

Here is an example from my own life. We have got some big things coming up and because of that I have had a hard time sleeping. There are over the counter sleeping aids that you can take which probably aren’t the most wonderful things in the world. But the choice that I had to make was either, A. Don’t sleep or B. sleep with the assistance of an over the counter sleeping aid. Those were the two options that I had but often I think what I and all of us do is I thought that there was a third option which is, it just shouldn’t be this way. I should just be able to fall asleep. There was two real options aka Jonathan doesn’t fall asleep or Jonathan takes over the counter sleeping aid and falls asleep.

Those were the two real options that were available to me and then there was this mythical idealized option which is Jonathan doesn’t have to take anything over the counter right now and falls asleep. But that’s not really an option. Now I have to weigh what’s better. Not sleeping or taking — and of course I asked my family physician, the sleep aid thing is an antihistamine he said it’s not a big deal. You don’t want to take it all the time but when the choice is between not sleeping and taking a sleep aid to fall asleep, not sleeping is way worse that talking a sleep aid.

In this case we have to say maybe waiting 30 minutes will help you but if you have to set a stopwatch after every time you drink a liquid before you eat your next meal. I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that that stress and complexity has a cost and I’m not sure that the benefits of waiting the 30 minutes outweighs the cost of that stress and complexity in your life.

I think we need to give ourselves permission to always say, we don’t have an infinite amount of mental capacity it’s scientific fact that we don’t have an infinite amount of will power so everything that we make ourselves think about, everything that we make ourselves say, can I wait 30 minutes after drinking apple cider vinegar water to it breakfast? That has a cost associated with it. Even having that thought has a cost associated with it. Sometimes we just have to ask ourselves, is it worth thinking about this? It’s called the any benefit mindset. I can unpack this because this is really important when it comes to SANE thinking. Which really makes a huge difference long term. In our culture we tend to have and the psychological term for it is, any benefit mindset. Meaning if this thing has any benefit, I should do it. But that’s not actually true.

There is another concept called opportunity cost. For example does joining some sort of committee that one of your friends asked you to join, is that a good thing? Is it a good thing to support your friend and join their committee? Yes. Is there a benefit to doing that? Yes. But you have to weigh that against everything else you could be doing with that time. The question is not does this have any benefit. Like does smoking have any benefits? Yes. Ask a smoker if smoking a cigarette has any benefits, they will tell you yes. The question isn’t it doesn’t have any benefits, its does the benefits out way the benefit of everything else you could be doing. And does the benefit outweigh the cost?

Does that make sense? So both of those things. That’s worth writing down. The question to ask yourself — please write this down. It’s not does this have any benefits? The question is does this have more benefit that everything else I could be doing during this time or with this mental energy? And does it have more benefits than it has costs. That’s a really important distinction. Hopefully that’s helpful. If it doesn’t make sense, please post a follow up question.

I got some live questions coming in here and I want to go ahead and answer some of those really quick. Barney asks – is there a sample daily or weekly menu to cover the max weight loss? Barney there is a sample menu in the step by step program. In terms of to maximize weight loss we generally talk about servings of vegetables, proteins and fats. We do not prescribe meal plans because after years and years and years of doing this and after everyone else in the world — every weight loss program in the world says eat exactly this at exactly this time and if we do that, great. But the problem is we can’t do that long term. What we need to do is we need to learn the underlying principles and apply those to our lives.

But if you want for example a sample meal plan, there are food lists and there are some examples provided in your step by step program right there in your first course. And I want to be really, really clear about something, there is absolutely positively no secret to how you lose weight as quickly as possible. What I mean by that is there is an entire profession — professional bodybuilders and fitness competitors, these individuals that you see in magazine there are specific protocols and diets that they go on for 24 weeks leading up to a photo shoot that gets them down from their naturally athletic physique to whatever 5 percent body fat for a guy and 10 percent body fat for a woman.

Here is how you do that. The thing though is that it’s not sustainable, it’s potentially not healthy and when I tell you are going to say, that’s crazy, I would never do that. And that’s totally reasonable. But that’s what these people do. Here you go, here it is right here. Here is the standard body building/fitness competitors/ if you are a man get the single digit body fat percentage. If you are a woman get to the low teens aka be so lean that your menstrual cycle stops and it’s not healthy.

Here is how that would work, ready? You eat five to six meals per day. Every single one of those meals is broken down like this, basically is a can of tuna fish or it’s a chicken breast with nothing on it. Nothing at all. And then you have got basically steamed broccoli or steamed vegetables. And then you are going to have maybe 100 calories of a healthy fat. And that’s what you are going to eat at every single meal for four to six meals per day. In addition to that you are going to exercise in some form or another every single day no questions. If you do that you will consistently lose a massive amount of fat but it will take over your entire life and you will be miserable. The question isn’t how do we become fitness models it’s you go on a fitness model diet. You eat tuna fish and vegetables. That’s basically it.

If you just want to lose weight really fast eat tuna fish and vegetables. That’s going to help you lose weight and just exercise constantly. But I promise that you wouldn’t have joined the SANE Ignite family if that’s what you are after. So what we have to do is we have to find a way to understand how we take something that isn’t that regimented and isn’t that short term focused — even the people who do that professionally, they do that for four weeks leading up to their photoshoot and then after their photo shoot you talk to them and they went out and eat six pizzas because they are miserable and they can’t keep it up.

If you want mark just once and for all. If you want maximum fat loss, you have to do maximally ridiculous things. SANE is about long term happiness and health and sustainable fat loss. There is no other lifestyle or tools set or science or evidence based program that will make you healthier and slimmer for the rest of your life than SANE. But if it’s I want to lose 7 pounds in 7 days. I just told you how to do that, that’s the secret. The secret is eat tuna fish and vegetables, that’s it.

But please don’t do that because I care about you and the rest of your SANE family cares about you for the rest of your life not the next seven days. So please work the system non starchy vegetables, nutrient dense protein, whole food fats, there is 1400 recipes available for you in the program. If you want a sample meal plan, pick one of the breakfast recipes, pick one of the lunch recipes, and pick one of the dinner recipes. Two to three servings of vegetables per meal, a serving of nutrient dense protein and one or two servings of whole food fats per meal. Boom, done. You got it and it’s enjoyable and you don’t have to eat just tuna fish and vegetables all day. If that’s okay. I don’t want to be eating tuna fish and vegetables all day. It’s good; I do eat tuna fish and vegetables but not all day every day.

Let me go back to one of the questions that were written in here. Is it good to eat protein and vegetables together? Yes. Every time we eat, we want to try as much as possible to eat a complete SANE meal that includes vegetables primarily then protein then fats. Eating them together is better that eating them separately.

Does using water and green tea and cocoa count towards the number of glasses for daily intake? As a general rule of thumb any form of tea and water and if you make smoothies those all count towards your fluid goals. It’s not drink a gallon of water and a gallon of green tea and a gallon of green smoothies. You will never leave your bathroom if you did that. Anything that is liquid that isn’t soda or coffee, because coffee just has some dielectric effects in it counts to your fluid intake. Let me know if you have additional questions around that one.

Anne says Jonathan I’m suffering from IBS which is extrapolated by stress. I used to use white rice, chocolate and special pomegranate juice are these okay? And if not what would you suggest? Anne this is a great example, we got that which is good for one goal can very well be good for that goal but not good for another one. Let me give you an example. White rice for example is incredibly easy to digest and it’s very efficient. It has very little fiber in it. It basically is almost like eating pure glucose. For example you will notice that if you are feeding a baby you feed them certain things first and other things later because their digestive system is still become accustomed to not being in neutral. Same thing happens when we become older and if we become very ill we might be given different foods to eat because they are less taxing to digest. There are things we can do that could potentially ease up our digestive burden but that are not great for fat loss.

What’s are these things when it comes to IBS eating cocoa instead of chocolate would be a SANEr option much SANEr because cocoa is fabulously good for you and sugar isn’t and chocolate is essentially cocoa with a bunch of sugar added to it — I’m over simplifying. Maybe go with cocoa. Cocoa is one of the SANEst substances on the planet and if possible instead of pomegranate juice I would recommend eating the pomegranate seeds. Because always when in doubt go with the whole food. Coconut oil is a great oil but is even better coconut. Olive oil is great oil but you know what’s even better? Olives. Because they have got all the good stuff that the oil has in it plus all the protein and all the fiber and all the nutrients that get removed when you turn it into oil. Maybe stick with cocoa and pomegranates, the seeds rather than the juice and you could still achieve your IBS goals while moving towards a SANEr version of that, if that makes sense. Let me know if you have follow up questions.

I’m going to jump into some of questions that were written in here. I’m going to go rapid fire. Next one here is, if eating protein first what time period should I eat my non starchy vegetables? I apologize I don’t understand that question. I’m going to move on to the next one. Let me know if you are here live. Provide me with a little bit more info and I will answer it.

If doing 20 to 30 grams of protein in three or five of my meals, what is the minimum amount of non starchy vegetables needed? How about good fats? Yes, we want to do 20 to 30 gram doses of protein because that’s how we trigger the muscle synthesis and that’s how achieve a lot of the metabolic benefits. At three of my five meals, first thing is instead of doing that three of your five meals could you do it at four out of four meals? When you are eating making sure that you get that dose of protein is important and is really beneficial. For example if you are eating five meals and three of them contain 20 to 30 grams of protein, I would strongly encourage to try to get the 20 to 30 grams of protein in the other two if you can. Or if the other two are for example just green smoothies because you are trying to get your vegetable intake that’s fine. More vegetable is always fine. You should never ever feel bad about eating more vegetables, that’s the way to go.

What is the minimum amount of non starchy vegetables needed? There is no minimum when it comes to combining with protein. The reason you want to combine vegetables with protein is protein can cause an acidic balance in your body and vegetables help to make it more alkaline. So at a minimum I would say a serving of green leafy vegetables. Green leafy vegetables are the most potent vegetables if you want to think about it that way. When in doubt try at least one serving of green leafy vegetables every time you are eating proteins. If at all possible. Good fats — and this is going to sequence with bigger topic I wanted to cover today. How much good fat is required? Technically there are essential fats and you have heard about omega-6, omega-03 fatty acids. It’s really easy to eat omega-6s, they are basically in everything whereas omega-3s are almost in nothing unless you just eat chia seeds and flax seeds and fatty fish all day long. It’s very had to eat omega-3s and omega-3s are extremely good for you.

How about good fats what’s the minimum amount? I would say two servings of whole food fats is the lowest you want to go in a day for optimal health. There was an excellent question posted on the support group, I’m going to a little bit less rapid fire now because I really want to explain this and it’s really important and that’s what these calls are about. I love rapid fire questions but I also love being able to get deep into stuff that you will never hear any place else because we live in a sound bite world. Sound bites are fun, we are going to have some sound bites but I want to give you some substance to backup those sound bites as well.

I have said and will continue to say that if you have 100 additional pounds of fats stored on your body, you do not need to eat as much whole food fat as someone who does not have any excess fats stored on their body. Because if you have a bunch of fat already stored on your body you have energy. There is energy in your body already. what we need to do is we need to restore your body’s natural ability to burn off that energy first and foremost rest someone who is already lean, like they don’t have any energy in their bodies or if they don’t eat the energy they can’t get it anywhere else.

The question I came up in the support group which is a great one and Dr. Mercola and I just had a conversation — it’s available on the blog. we talked about his new book which is something like, eat fat to burn fat or something along those lines and we are hearing more and more literally the message of eat fat to burn fat. if that’s true then why is Jonathan saying that for the people who need to burn fat the most that they are the individuals who might need to eat the least whole food fats. How do you explain that? Let’s really unpack this, okay? Everything that is said is true, you do need to eat fat to burn fat and you don’t want to eat excessive fat if you already have a lot of fats stored inside your body and those statements are both true once you understand the deeper science. That’s what I want to explain right now.

The easiest way to think about this is to burn fat you have to have two things; you have to have the ability to burn fat biologically and you need to have the need to burn fat biologically. Let’s talk about what both of those things mean. And let’s look at either end of the spectrum. One end of the spectrum of things you hear on the internet, there are people who are just like, you should eat fat all the time, you should add fats to things that you drink, the more fat you eat the more fat you burn. That’s one extreme almost hyperbolic example. Then there are people who are saying, you should never eat fat. Eating less causes a caloric deficit and if you cause a caloric deficit you are going to burn fat. Both ends of the spectrum are wrong. They are exaggerations that miss the point and the truth is here in the middle like most things in life.

Here is way these are both wrong and here is why we want to move to the middle. Let’s start with the easier one which is the people who just say just eat less. Just eat less especially less fat because fat has 9 calories per gram and you want to avoid eating calories because if you avoid eating calories then you will create a caloric deficit. These are what we read in all the popular magazines. Eat 500 fewer calories. And if you eat 500 fewer calories than your body will burn 500 calories worth of fat and then you will lose a pound per week because that’s 3500 calories in a pound of fat, he have heard this logic for 50 years and it never works. Here is why it doesn’t work; because the individuals who are preaching that are only focusing on creating the need to burn fat. They believe that if you starve yourself, that you have created the need to burn fat because you are taking in fewer calories than you burn and then they assume that then that need for additional energy — you do have a need for additional energy in the assumption that they have and they are assuming that need is met by burning fat.

But the problem what modern science shows is that if we have hormonal deregulation our body will not respond to eating fewer calories by burning more fat. It will respond to the need for more calories because we are not eating as many by first slowing down dramatically. That’s why starvation diet makes us hungry, cold, tired and crabby. So that in of itself could eliminate the need to burn fat. Now you don’t have the need to burn fat because your body just responded to eating less by burning less. Just like maybe if you happen to have the misfortune of losing your job, you might not immediately liquidate your bank you might just spend less. So less money in means less money out. When it comes to your body less calories in if you are not hormonally healthy can mean just less calories out. And then also your body could simply make up for the need for calories by burning off muscle tissue. In fact many studies have shown that if we are not hormonally healed first and we just cut calories up to 70 percent of the non water weight we lose is coming from muscle.

That’s the camp which is focusing purely on the need. They are saying eat fewer calories so you create the need to burn fat but they don’t acknowledge that unless you have the ability to burn fat that your body is just going to slow down and burn muscle instead. So that’s a really important distinction. Please write this down, it is not enough to just eat less and therefore cause the need to burn fat because if you don’t have the ability to burn fat by healing your hormones and gut and your brain you are actually creating the need to slow down your metabolism and to burn off muscle tissue which will actually make you gain way more fat long term and that’s why we yoyo diet in over 95 percent when we starve ourselves. That’s the need to burn fat camp. They are ignoring the ability to burn fat.

The sort of eat fat all day, the more fat you eat the more fat you burn ye, ye. Here is why that can sometimes be misinformed. I think we can all agree, if you were to eat 10,000 calories of just pure butter you will not burn fat. What you might hear on the internet is if you eat fat, your body doesn’t `produce the hormone insulin. And if you don’t produce the hormone insulin, you can never store fat. And unfortunately that’s just patently false. The reason that fat that you eat doesn’t trigger the release of insulin is because fat which is then leaves your stomach is what’s called fatty acids does not need insulin to enter your cells. Insulin is required to get sugar into your cells. But insulin is not required to store fat as triglyceride or body fat. It’s absolutely true that eating fat doesn’t cause a release of insulin but that’s because your body doesn’t need insulin to store fat as fat. Now, that doesn’t mean that eating fat makes you fat at all.

What eating fat does to you is it provides your body with energy and if your body has the ability and need to burn fat it can burn the fat that you eat as energy but if you only use 2000 calories of energy per day and you eat 6000 calories of fat, you will store the fat as body fat. There is nothing else that can happen with it. Saying just eat fat and you will burn more fat we know that can’t be true because we know that if we ate 10,000 calories of butter we wouldn’t just spontaneously burn fat. What would happen if we ate 10,000 calories of butter in addition to gaining a bunch of fat what would happen because we weren’t eating any sugar like if we ate a 10,000 calories pure butter diet — just never do that please — we would retrain our body to fuel itself using fat. We will become what’s called fat adapted. Right now the vast majority in America especially are not fat adapted. Meaning that their body is used to burning sugar and it doesn’t really know it’s lost the ability to burn fat. When we get most of our calories from fat rather than from sugar we retrain our body to burn fat as energy rather than preferentially just burning sugar as energy and that’s really powerful. Because once we have retrained and restored our body’s ability to burn fat — now here is where we come into the middle. And this is where the magic happens.

By eating fat instead of sugar — so it’s not just eat more fat, it’s you are getting your calories that you do need to eat from fat instead of sugar because protein isn’t really an energy source and fiber isn’t an energy source. So it’s either fat, sugar or protein. Instead of sugar and starch you are eating fat. And then you are eating high satiety foods and by eating high satiety foods you don’t overeat. If you restore your body’s ability to burn fat and you eat high satiety foods which make it impossible to over eat, now what will happen is you will experience and you will read about this more in your step by step program and also in the calorie myth book. What’s happens is you will achieve what called the spontaneous reduction of caloric intake. What the heck does that mean? What that means is before you had the ability to burn fat, if you needed 2000 calories in a day, if you didn’t eat 2000 calories if you ate 14,000 calories you will just be extremely hungry because your body wouldn’t burn stored fat because it’s used to burning sugar. So it will just slow you down and make you hungry. But now once you restore your body’s ability to burn fat what’s it’s going to start to do is when it runs out of energy from what you ate — if you don’t put enough calories or energy or fat through your lips it’s just going to have the ability to burn the fat off your hips.

What we are talking about here is we need to change the quality of what we are eating to restore our ability to burn body fat. Because if we don’t have the ability to burn body fat creating the need aka creating caloric deficit won’t burn body fats. It will slow us down and burn muscle tissue. So we change the quality of our diet and our sleeping and our exercise to restore the ability to burn fat. Part of that is eating fat instead of sugar. But saying eat fat instead of sugar and starch isn’t just saying eat more fat. It’s not just saying I’m full but you should still stick a chopstick in a sticker butter and eat it like a Popsicle. That’s a totally different message.

What we do is we restore our ability to burn fat by increasing the quality of what we are eating healthy fat instead of sugar and starch, then because that high quality food has high satiety we will indirectly or accidentally our appetite will re-regulate and we will become fuller faster and stay fuller longer and because things like vegetables and proteins are so satisfying we will accidentally get fuller on fewer calories. The calories that we do eat by in large will come from healthy whole food fats and then for example you will — and this is just clinical research, people on a SANEr lifestyle have been shown to spontaneously accidentally with no hunger, with no deprivation, with no cravings they accidentally eat 1000 fewer calories per day. They are not starving themselves, they are not counting calories, they are not trying to eat less. What happens is because what they eat is so satisfying and it’s so healing, their body just starts to supplement all the food that they are eating through their lips with food fat that is stored on their hips. In a way they are metabolizing the same number of calories, it’s just that up to 1000 of those calories per day are coming from stored fat.

That’s was a whole lot of science but now it sort of makes sense that if you are an individual who has had an idea of body weight and an idea of body composition and you don’t have excess fat to burn. There is no such thing as healthy supplementing fat that passes through your lips with fat that’s sitting on your hips because there is no fat sitting on your hips. If you are going to burn energy which in you need to do if you want to have energy, you got to eat it. But if you have energy in your body already. Yes you do need to eat fat instead of sugar and starch to retrain your body’s ability to burn fat. But your body has already got fat in it. So once you create that ability you might not need to go out of your way if you are already full to eat a bunch more fat because protein and vegetables are going to provide you with abundance satiety and abundant nutrition and then your body is going to supplement that with fat that’s already stored.

But remember there are essentially fats, omega-3s, omega-6s are essential fats and fat is delicious and it’s something that we want to eat because it’s good. that’s why I say, we got the two to six servings per day and hopefully now it makes more sense when I stay, if you don’t have any fat to burn you are going to have to eat more fat. but if you it fat that you could burn off, just adding more fat to your diet will not help your burn that fat because eating a SANE lifestyle with appropriate amount of fat that’s going to do everything you need to restore your ability to burn fat. and then if you supplement your fat intake with adding liquid fat into drinks that you drink that’s going to eliminate the need to burn fat. Because that’s just going to put more calories in your body. again is not about trying to eat fewer calories but it is about letting our body spontaneously re-regulate our appetite and then supplement calories that pass through our lips with calories that are already on our hips. Hopefully that made sense. If it didn’t please ask follow up questions. I’m actually going to scroll up here to see if there are follow up questions. I’m going to move on to some other questions here.

Julie has a follow up question on the little tyrant I just went on which is how long does it take the body to restore its ability to burn body at? Julie I’m going to give you a typical answer here which is it depends on how regulated the metabolism has become. By way of example if someone has never yo-yo dieted ever in their entire life and they are not insulin resistant and they are not diabetic. For example say a teenager, a teenager who is just a little bit overweight but has never yo-yo dieted it’s going to take them much shorter. They can become what’s called fat adapted in 1, 2 or 3 weeks. But if we can trust that with someone who is 65 years old and has yo-yo dieted 15 times in their lives and is pre-diabetic, it’s going to take that individual a much longer time. We try to set this up in every way shape or form possible to say SANE for life.

This is about doing this for the rest of your life. Let me tell you this, if you eat an abundance of delicious SANE foods for one year, one year of SANity you will not only be fat adapted you will not only have the ability to burn fat, you will not only reverse the vast majority of any chronic issues that you are suffering with, you will not only enhance every aspect of your life, but think about investing one year of eating more delicious food to radically improve every area of your life for the rest of your life. It can be one week and in fact a great example of this is sometimes we will have heterosexual couples go SANE together. And the man would have never yo-yo dieted or never done anything to regulate his weight throughout his life. And the female in the relationship will have done all sorts of things. She has maybe yo-yo dieted many, many times. And let’s say that in this relationship she is the chief of the household in terms of food preparation and acquisition. She is kind enough to prepare meals and he just eats them. So he just eats what is out in front of him. He is not trying to lose weight and he has never tried to lose weight but he has got a little bit of fat that he could lose.

The female in the relationship is trying really hard to lose weight. They are eating the same stuff. He is accidentally losing weight. He’s like, “honey I need new pants. My pants don’t work.” And she is in a rage because she is saying, “oh my gosh I am eating the same stuff you are eating. I really want this, I’m trying hard and I’m not losing weight. What’s going on here?” He has a fundamentally different metabolism. Not because he is a man. It has nothing to do with male versus female. We could flip those roles very easily. It’s that in this example the individual who has yo-yo dieted over and over again and you will learn about this in your step by step program and you will read more about this in the book. Every single time we yo-yo diet we essentially — it is truly counterproductive. For every time we yo-yo diet it’s going to take us a little bit longer to sort of unwind that damage. We can unwind it. But the more we have done that the longer it’s going to take. It’s like breaking a bone over and over again. Every subsequent break is going to take a little bit longer to heal.

I can’t give you a definite time frame but I can tell you that we are here to support you and the science will transform your life for the rest of your life if you start thinking in terms of months and at most a year. Give it a year and it will give you a transformed rest of your life. And I can say that with confidence regardless of where you are starting from. For a lot of people it’s going to be a lot shorter than that, we are talking one to three months radical success. But if you have been doing this, if you have been yo-yo dieting for 40 years and that’s not an exaggeration. We have been given miss information for 40 to 60 years. I’m telling you without a shadow of a doubt that you can reverse 80 to 90 percent of 40 years of damage in 6 months to a year. I think that’s awesome. I think we both wish it could be six hours but the reality is it isn’t but that’s okay. Because I’m not going anywhere, you are hopefully not going anywhere. The rest of the SANE family isn’t going anywhere.

So we give ourselves the time and the patience to become fat adapted, to heal our metabolism so that our body will naturally create the need to burn fat because your body doesn’t want to be overweight any more that it wants to have cancer or any more that it wants to be diabetic. Your body has natural mechanisms in place that will re-regulate our appetite and that will spontaneously reduce your caloric intake to match what you need in order to actually burn off fat but it just takes time. Hopefully that answers the question of, why are some people saying eat more fat and other people are saying don’t eat any fat? It’s because they are both true but we need to bring them together in the middle. Hopefully that’s helpful.

Barney has a quick follow up question — actually Julie says something here it’s make so much sense why men lose more quickly. This is a huge paradigm shift right here. So Julie thanks you. I know I wasn’t supposed to read that because it wasn’t a question but I read it anyway. We often think that, men have an easier time losing weight because they are men. In our culture it’s sort of changing now but for the past 40 years men have had no pressure to lose weight. The incidents of a man going on a diet historically is 100th of the frequency that a woman would be pressured to go on a diet. In fact men are like; I can tell you from firsthand experience when I’m eating SANEly there are men who are like be a man eat unhealthfully. I’m not really sure how eating unhealthful is more masculine.

The reason why men historically lose fat more easily than women is not because they are men, it’s because 9 out of 10 times the men will have yo-yo dieted less frequently and therefore done less chronic damage to his metabolism than the woman. But it’s not about male versus female. It’s about whose metabolism is broken down — the scientific term is dis-regulated spot. And that’s why the men lose it more quickly. It’s not because they are men and it’s not because sort of women are cursed at all. It’s because the women have been given the short hand of the stick when it comes to the information and the ridiculous societal nonsense that has been placed upon them and that’s why we are here to reverse that. Just think about exercise. Women are told don’t strength train and eat less. That’s literally the opposite of what science says. You got to eat more of the right foods and you absolutely need to strength train. That’s the opposite of what women in our culture have been told. That’s hard breaking and sad but we are fixing that now. So that’s good news.

Barney has a followed up question – I have plenty of fat on my hips but the SANE planner showed me losing more weight when I put fat servings up to the max, how does that fit with your fat explanation which made sense? Barney, thank you for pointing that out. The short answer is, that’s a problem with the planner. The planner isn’t smart enough to know your starting point and it should be. We should make that improvement to it. The way the planner actually works is you will notice — the way we try to make the planner smart enough to do this is the difference that going from for example 2 servings of fats to 6 servings of fat will make is way less in your rate of progress than going from for example 2 servings of vegetables to 6 servings of vegetables will make. Or going from 2 servings of protein to 6 servings of protein will make. But what you have correctly identified is that for some of us going from 2 servings of fat to 6 might not actually speed our results. It might actually slow our results down. that is why we are in the program now, that’s why we need to talk and that’s why we need to refine and that’s we need to see that as a starting point.

The good news is, the good news is — you might be like that’s garbage and that’s totally reasonable. But let me sort of extend the olive branch here. Let’s really break this down, okay? 6 servings of fat, the only scenario in which that is beneficial we talk about optimal SANities, pure abundance of non starchy vegetables and abundance of protein and abundance of fat always in that order. Vegetable first and then protein then fat. Let’s truly talk about this in terms of need and ability. This is awesome and oh my gosh I’m so sorry we are not going to get to all the questions here. But I hope this is helpful because this is the kind of stuff that we can only do here. if don’t get to the questions, I’m super, super sorry about that and we are going to roll them over to the next session but just post them in the support group then and your SANE certified coaches will help. But this kind of awesome deep stuff that we are talking about, we can only do that here. I want to do that here because it’s the only place we can do it. Let’s break this down.

A serving of whole food fats generally has between 100 and 150 calories. That’s the serving. When you actually look at. When you look at the sort of measurement we provide in the program. Like a quarter cup of shredded coconut or whatever. If you were to eat 6 servings of whole food fats — that’s a max that’s ever advised in the SANE lifestyle unless you are like an athlete and we can talk about that later. That’s at minimum 600 calories and at maximum its 900 calories. Because 6 times 150 is 900 calories. That’s 90 calories right there. Let’s say that you then eat four servings of protein. Four servings of protein so right in the mid range. Each serving is probably going to have let’s say 200 calories. That’s 800 calories. But remember as you dig into the science you know that those calories are treated much differently and they are very inefficient. So the effective calories is going to be at most 400.

Now we take 600 at the low end of the of the fat calories, 900 at the end of the fat calories we add 400 to that. We are either at 1000 calories or 1300 effective calories. Remember because fat is very efficient that’s the eating SANE again dig into more of this in the step by step program. Every calorie you eat gets stored. It’s easy to store fat as body fat, it doesn’t mean it makes you fat it’s just that’s science. Now even with 4 servings of protein and 6 servings of fat, we are at 1000 calories minimum and we are 1300 calories maximum. And even if we ate 6 servings of protein we will be at 1200 calories minimum, 1600 calories maximum.

Now let’s say we ate 16 servings of vegetables, you and I and everyone on this call knows that vegetables are both going to provide us with a bunch of calories. They are fiber and water and nutrients. 16 servings of vegetables probably is made 200 utilizable calories, maybe. So that means even in the stupid Jonathan the planner is not right on for specific case scenario. The maximum amount of calories that is recommended by that planner assuming that you are not eating inSANE foods is going to have you between 1500 and 1800 effective calories. But here is the things, you might be like, “okay why don’t I just eat 1600 calories of Twinkies?” When you eat 1600 calories of Twinkies you are not restoring the ability to burn fat. In fact you are reducing the ability to burn fat and you are then not creating the need to burn fat because your body is just going to slow down and burn muscle tissue. What happens even if you eat 6 servings of fat and you are totally SANE and you are not eating inSANity, if you eat inSANity that screws everything up. Because that totally removes the ability to burn fat and of course it’s going to eliminate the need to burn fat. And a lot of those foods cause cravings and it causes you to feel tired and it causes you to have addictions to food. That’s not helpful at all.

The long version of this is saying that, I promise you that yes it’s true that if you have 100 additional pounds of fat on your body that if you could choose between eating 12 servings of vegetables and 6 servings of protein and 2 servings of fat that would yield faster results than if you ate 12 servings of vegetables, 6 servings of protein and 6 servings of fats. Short term it would yield faster results. But in a year in either of those scenarios in one year you will be healed and you will be on path to radical long term success. And that’s why the long term focus is so important. Because the difference between 3 servings of fat and 4 servings of fat is super stressful if you are a professional fitness competitor and you have to get to a certain weight by a certain time. Or if you are an Olympic athlete that stuff matters. But that’s a very limited set of people and that’s a very stressful limited existence.

The key thing here is if you are eating SANEly and if you are sleeping and if you are working the program and you are getting rest and you are exercising it will work out long term. But hopefully that makes sense into like if you are happy and you are full and satisfied eating 2 servings of fat per day, one if you are really lean you won’t be. Because your body is going to say, I need more calories and I can’t supplement the calories by burning fat. But if you have 100 additional pounds of fat on your body it is entirely possible and a bunch of the questions we got are I’m too full to eat all these food which is great. That’s exactly the point. Is that if you are nailing down the vegetables and you are nailing down the protein, eating 2 servings fat is okay.

And I apologize totally that circumstance is not reflected in the planner but that’s why we are here now and that’s why we got the support group and the good news is, even if you are eating 6 servings of fats unless that has made you so full that you are ill, it’s not a bad thing. It is still helping you restore the ability to burn fat and what you might find now is as the ability to burn fat comes back if you were forcing yourself to eat that much fat, you can scale it back and not feel bad. Hopefully that makes sense. I haven’t drunk any water because I’m so excited about this. Let me know if there is more follow up questions to that. But I really appreciate the opportunity to dig into that because it so, so, important.

Let me quickly try to crank through some of these other questions here really quick, we have got a bunch of them. There is one about my thoughts on resistance starch. My thoughts on resistant starch is better nonresistance starch. But there are always better things that we can eat. So this goes back to the earlier point of its not does this have a benefit — if you didn’t write this down please do because these are the kind of mental paradigm shifts, I hate to use that word, that will change your life long term if you use them. It’s not that resistance starch doesn’t have any benefits, it does. To be clear cigarette smoking has benefits.

Cigarette smoking has been showing in clinical studied to reduce the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease. Does that mean we should smoke cigarettes? No. It just means that almost anything has some benefits. Resistance starch does have benefits; the problem with resistant starch is that its benefits are benefits are far inferior. So the benefits of non starch vegetables, nutrients dense proteins and whole food fats. And when we eat one thing we are not eating another thing. So for eating resistant starch we are not eating, vegetables, proteins or fats.

If we are like look Jonathan, I’m eater going to eat beans which are high in resistant starch, awesome, and that’s why beans are right in the middle, they are not inSANE. They are in the middle. Or I’m going to eat sugar the beans are SANEr. Because SANE is a spectrum. Non starchy vegetables are over here SANEst in the world and then you have got refined sugar and starch down here. Resistance starch moving up this way but it’s not all the way up here. Because it doesn’t have greater benefit than everything else I could be doing and do the benefits radically out way the cost.

And then thoughts on tests that would show that we are on path to metabolic healing. I love this question because we are talking about not weighing yourself. Not using the scale which is absolutely true because the scale is going to reward starving. Because dehydrating yourself and burning off muscle is reflected as positive on the scale whereas it is absolutely negative in terms of your overall health and long term wellbeing. Having a tool that tells you, you are doing good when you are literally setting yourself up for chronic long term fat gain is a non starter. I know it’s hard but weighing yourself — the things that you do to make the scale happy will make you fatter long term. It’s a fact and if that wasn’t true none of us would be here.

Because just eating less and burning off our muscle tissue and slowing ourselves down would work. And biggest loser alumina wouldn’t come to me saying Jonathan help us. I’m talking about Jay Jacobs here from season 11. Jonathan I have lost 100 pounds seven times in my life. The issue isn’t weight loss; the issue is keeping the weight off. Because the things you do to rapidly lose weight slow down your metabolism, move your ability to burn fat and make you yo-yo diet long term. So we are not going to use the scale if anything we are going to use the measuring tape but even better what this awesome person is asking is how we measure the underlying healing.

The way you do that is you go to your doctor and you get a full blood panel done. You say I want the works, I want all of it. I want to know my A1C levels; I want to know my none calculated cholesterol, true cholesterol numbers, non calculated numbers. I want to know the particle size test, I want all that stuff. The keys things you want to look at are your true non calculated none cholesterol numbers and you want to look at your A1C levels, that’s your long term glucose and blood sugar health markers, blood pressure . All those things that your doctor is normally going to look at. Like what she is going to tell you need to look out for. You also want to take that to the next level of depth especially your A1C, that’s a really good one. Hemoglobin A1 C. And then track that go if possible back no more above the cost and practicality once every 12 weeks and get a full blood work panel done.

I promise you those numbers will all get better. Even if you are like, I don’t feel like I’m losing weight it is literally impossible for you to go SANE, truly SANE and do not have your A1C levels change. It’s just science. It has to happen. Just like if you jump into a pool you are going to get wet. It’s going to happen. If you eat less sugar and if you eat less starch and if you replace that with vegetables, proteins and fats. Your A1C levels will get healthier; your cholesterol numbers will get better. Absolutely. And then one those numbers get better weight loss and fat loss more specifically will ensure after the healing has taken place. That’s a great question. You get a full blood work up done by your physician and just get that updated at the most frequently 3 months, I would say more like every four months. Maybe at most 3 times a year. That will be a great way to track your progress for sure, for sure.

Next question here that was written in live Lisa says if you are very weight reduced through years of calorie counting will eating more SANE foods still results in the rebound weight gain? I am worried my metabolism is just shut from years of dieting, just looking to maintain not lose. Lisa, this actually gets back to what we talked about earlier and this is a great question. You make a good point here. I’m worried that my metabolism is shut. So it is entirely possible that for example for a year your metabolism might be kind of shut. We can bring it back by enlarger but it is absolutely true. My mother is a great example. My mother is one of the most brilliant awesome people ever. She is in her 70s now and she eats nothing. She just doesn’t eat. She probably eats 700 calories a day, maybe. Maybe more than that. But definitely not more than 1200. She is not at all obese. Not even close. But she is overweight. Not in a crazy way but if she can wave a magic one and have 30 pounds of fat removed from her body she’d say, “Okay I’m cool with that.”

How do we explain that how do we explain someone who is eating 1200 calories per day and maintaining being overweight? Her metabolism is kind of shut. What’s the calorie counters in the world would say, he Jonathan’s mom she should eat 600 calories per day. That’s why that model doesn’t work what could happen is let’s say you go SANE — let’s think about this, even if it comes to a calorie counting perspective, you cannot eat too many vegetables to gain weight. It’s just not going to happen, your stomach would explode. And then protein if you are getting that form nutrient dense sources again protein is not an energy source. Just to review the science, if you eat 1000 calories of protein which you should do, that’s why too much protein but if you did 1000 calories of protein goes into your mouth enters your stomach it leaves your stomach as amino acids, the active doing that burns calories. The digestion of protein into amino acids is going to burn 30 percent of those calories. It’s inefficient process for your body.

Now you got amino acids floating around your bloodstream and for all intensive purposes it’s 700 calories worth of amino acids. This is illustrative but you get my point. You have got 700 calories of amino acid floating around in your blood stream. Now let’s say that you don’t need those amino acids to repair muscle, which is rare especially if you are going SANE because you are doing eccentric exercise so you are going to absolutely need those acids for muscle protein synthesis and all that fun stuff. But lest say that you don’t. You have more amino acids floating around in your bloodstream than your body knows what to do with. Then those amino acids are going to go into your liver. By the way this exactly what these calls are for. Could you imagine trying to explain this in the support group? No. We got to do it in these calls and that’s why these calls are awesome.

Now you got 700 calories of amino acids going into your liver and you experience something that’s called gluconeogenesis, genesis means new create like in the bible the book of genesis creation. Neo means new and gluco means glucose, sugar. So gluconeogenesis, creating of new sugar. Amino acids go into the liver; glucose sugar comes out but the active doing that burns calories. It’s a chemical change and has you remember from high school chemistry class there is always a waste. There is a waste product. Like when your car burns gasoline there is a waste it’s called exhaust it comes out. Energy is lost. When you take amino acids and you convert them into glucose energy is lost. So you are going to lose about another third of the energy in that process.

What was 1000 calories in your mouth and then it was 700 calories of amino acids in your bloodstream is now approximately 500 calories of glucose, flowing through your bloodstream now if your body can’t do anything with that glucose, then the glucose needs to go into your fat cells and so you do need insulin for that. And now you have got 500 calories of glucose but glucose doesn’t get stored in your fat cells. Glucose has to get converted into triglyceride that’s another chemical change. There is waste, there is byproducts. Even more is getting wasted there. Now you are at like 300, 400 calories actually being stored as fat. even in the world where you are eating a lot of protein their ability to over eat protein id very hard because not only is protein super satisfying — first of all it’s not easy to over eat it and even if you were to over it it’s very difficult, literally it’s difficult it’s in efficiently used as energy and therefore inefficiently stored as fat by your body.

Now the only place we can even get calories from really are whole food fats. While you are eating more food — to eat 12 servings of vegetable per day and 6 servings of protein per day, that’s pounds of food. That’s 2 to 5 pound of food depending where you are getting that form. Then you throw in 2 to 6 servings of whole food fat — I think sometimes when people hear eat more food; justifiably they hear eat 4000 calories. It is impossible to eat 4000 calories of the SANE diet. In order vegetables, proteins and fats if you were to do that eat them in that proportion, vegetables first, proteins then fats you cannot eat 4000 calories. That’s why we get questions from athletes that are saying I can’t eat enough calories, how do I eat more calories. And then we talk about adding liquid calories to smoothies and stuff that’s the opposite of what we are talking about right now. The point here is by going same with a focus on vegetables and protein and then essential fats. The purest forms of high quality fats like chia seeds, flax seeds, fatty fish, eggs really, really good healthy fat.

Even then it’s going to be hard to eat enough calories to cause lasting fat gain which you might see and what we have had people experience in the past is you might see a temporally pump in weight up short term but once the ability to burn fat comes back your appetite re-regulates itself. You experience that spontaneous reduction of caloric intake. You base metabolic rate increases. As your metabolism heals think about it like this, your metabolism after years and years of yo-yo dieting and punishing starvation dieting. It’s just like, I’m done. I’m exhausted. I’m done. I have been starved so many times that I am just not going to burn any calories. Because who knows when I’m going to get starved again. But then you start going SANE and your metabolism is like, okay, alright I’m getting nourished. I’m getting the energy that I need. I’m getting the essential nutrients that I need. I’m feeling good. Maybe I did store a little bit of fat over here but now I’m like let’s burn that off. And let’s go over here to this very annoying belly fat that I cannot seem to get rid of, I’m going to burn that off now too.

Again that long term is so important. Because think if you metabolism like this. From today we want your metabolism to be doing this. If it’s broken down like this right now, it’s entirely possible that in the short term you might gain a little bit of fat. But we aren’t here for the short term. And that’s why that’s so important. That’s why it’s so important to be on these calls and go through the step by step program because like the more of these that you learn. The more it’s just like yes that makes sense. It makes sense, it makes sense. Hopefully that does make sense and hopefully you are going to be thinking about this. Trying to bounce it up and down. Hopefully that’s helpful here.

Really quickly here we have got some good — we have got a lot of questions here. We have got 10 minutes left. There is a lot of questions about; I’m having trouble eating enough. I think we have covered that. The things that are key to eat are the vegetables and the protein. The vegetables and the protein are really providing that essential nutrition and then I would recommend at least 2 servings of the essential fats. Because remember we talk about essential nutrition. Essential vitamins, essential amino acids and essential fatty acids. We do need to eat some fat. Especially if we are not eating fat the vitamins and minerals any of them aren’t absorbed because they are fat soluble. But if you can’t eat 6 that’s fine. It’s totally fine. We are all in different places; we got to customize the stuff based on where we are.

Cynthia, I was always someone who grazed all the time because I was hungry or the time. Since eating more SANEly I’m not eating all the time because I’m full. This may seem strange but this causes me a lot of anxiety. I feel like there is something wrong because I am not hungry. Any thoughts? Cynthia thank you so much for asking this question because it makes me feel less bad about not answering all questions in this session. Because I think you might actually be able to answer your own question now based on the tyrant that I just went on. And this is a crazy thing like crazy good. Cynthia what might be happening is because you have restored your ability to burn fat, you are constantly eating. It’s just coming from the calories and energy that is already inside you.

Cynthia is experiencing a spontaneous reduction of caloric intake. Cynthia you are going to answer questions. This week you are on point for answering questions about this in the support group. Hopefully that’s okay. Because Cynthia has experienced the scientific term spontaneous reduction of caloric intake. Because her body is eating all day. It’s just eating fat stored on potentially her hips, I don’t know where you store your fat but quite a few people store it on their hips and it also rhymes with lips so I like to use that versus food that is coming through your lips which you are eating all day. It’s just coming from inside rather than outside or endogenous versus exogenous.

Debra, I’m trying to get the 1-200 grams of protein per day, can you do smaller than 30 grams of servings and still stay same. Debra, 200 is 6 feet, 220 pound lean male football player. That’s 200 grams per day. 100 grams per day is small inactive 70 years old who is in a wheelchair. You got to figure out first, you are probably not on the 200 just by judging from the name Debra — you might be an NFL linebacker I don’t know. I apologize if my assumption is incorrect. But you are probably going to be more towards the 100 to 140. And the key thing is, you don’t want to go below 100 but when you eat protein it’s got to be at least 20 grams but more around — if you are more targeting 100 grams total every serving should be 20 to 25 grams. And if you are targeting the 200 gram total because you were larger and more active and leaner then you are going into the 30 to 40 gram per serving range. But you do not want to go below 20. Eating two 15 gram servings of protein is totally different from a metabolic perspective than eating one 30 gram. That’s the key thing. Every time you dose protein, you want to dose it into that 20 to 30 gram. Hopefully that’s helpful.

Debra, is there any time we should stop eating at night prior to going to bed? No. That’s a myth, the whole eating before bed your body automatically regulates caloric intake. If you eat less at night, you will eat more in the morning and if you eat more in the morning you will eat less at night. The body doesn’t care. So no. The key is to eat non starchy vegetables, nutrient dense protein, whole food fats and some people like my wife is really hungry in the morning. I am really hungry in the evening. Am I wrong and she is right? Or we are just different. The key thing is to eat SANEly and then listen to your body from that point forward.

Cynthia says if I’m going on a long bike ride instead of having sugar what will I eat while riding to keep my energy up? Cynthia if you are already lean that’s different than if you are not. If you are not already lean, if you are fat adapted your body will keep our energy up by burning fat. That’s how our bodies work and that’s why it’s so important to be fat adapted. The reason our body store fat as energy is our bodies want to burn fat but when we eat a bunch of toxic processed high sugar high starch stuff we lose the ability to burn fat and can’t do that. If you are fat adapted, you can keep your energy up — there is a great book called the art and science of low carbohydrate performance, will explain deeper at a biological level why this is possible. If you are not lean right now, eat SANEly and let your body keep your energy up by burning fat. I you are lean now, then you would want to maybe just take some macadamia nuts with you, coconut, healthy fat, nut butters those are just healthy whole food fats. It’s really, really easy to eat nuts. So those are a great source if you need some extra fuel.

Ryan – what about fruit. Ryan could you a little bit more specific about what kinds of fruits. We talk about low sugar fruits; those are generally berries and citrus. We are focused on fruits that provide us the most satiety that are the least aggressive. That are the most nutrition. Provide us the most vitamins and minerals. And that are the least efficiently processed by the body. So those are generally going to be berried and citrus fruits. And we are going to try to shy away from fruits that are really high in sugar. For example things like — unfortunately a lot of conventional fruits like bananas and grapes have 5 times more sugar in them than certain berries. A lemon has 1 gram of sugar in it. That’s it one. For an entire lemon, a single gram of sugar. So you can eat lemons all day long. Whereas just by comparison a 12 ounce glass of grape juice which I realize is juice is not the whole fruit but to make a point, a 12 ounce glass of grape juice has 50 percent more sugar than a 12 ounce glass of coca cola. Grapes are extremely high in sugar. Extremely high. We want to focus on berries and citrus fruits. Those are the best options for us here.

Alright. We got three minutes left here. This has flown by so please if you got any last minute questions just pile them in right now. But the key take away from this week’s talk is — I want to wrap this all together into a package. If you are like, where do I start? Where are my food lists? Where you start is by clicking on the big red start here text and we have got some great tours here for you. And you go through one step in your step by step program per day in order. Why? Because as you can see during this call, once you understand certain baseline transformative concepts that have been trapped in the scientific community for 60 years they will answer so many of your questions. It’s like this one global distinction then answers all subsequent questions.

If you decide I’m going to be a mother wouldn’t you agree that, that makes a bunch of other decisions for you? The decision to become a parent. That one decision makes a bunch of other decisions automatic. Same kind of thing here. That one distinction or that one thing you will learn as you go through the sane step by step program in order answers a bunch of these questions. That’s why it’s so important to start here go to the program then understand the need and the ability to burn fat and then talk to Cynthia in the support group because Cynthia is experiencing that spontaneous reduction of caloric intake and the other cool thing is like isn’t it amazing how our body’s work. We have been for 40 years told that our bodies essentially are stupid. Unless we starve ourselves that our bodies are broken and we have to count calories.

But when we know, we understand that that there are eventually medial and lateral areas in our hypothalamus regulate our appetite and that we have specific hormones like leptin that detect the amount of fat that we have stored on our bodies and tries to tell our brain to regulate our appetite appropriate but those things break down when we eat the wrong types of foods in any amount. It’s not about eating 200 calories of junk that causes the damage. We understand that science. We understand how brilliant and beautiful our body is. Then we say look I have got to give my brilliant beautiful body time. I have got to give it time to heal and I have to give it the appropriate nutrition to heal. And you know what? Worst case scenario in one year you can reverse 80 to 90 percent of 40 or 50 years of damage. That’s amazing for the rest of your life.

The focus of your body is so beautiful and brilliant and intelligent. And when you heal it long term and you work the program one step literally at a time that will make such a huge long term difference. And I and your entire SANE families, your SANE coaches and everyone are so appreciative that you have trusted us to help you along that journey. And I just want to tell you thank you so much. These calls are always the highlight of my week and I really appreciate your indulging me.

I know I didn’t get to everyone’s question here but please the SANE support group is such a brilliant resource and I love the opportunity to use this calls to really grow deep and have a conversation on things that aren’t covered in the program. That we can really just go to telling on and men it’s been a pleasure for me. I hope it’s been helpful for you. This has just been great and again blessings. Thank you so much, I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did and we will be back with another group coaching called next week. So stay tuned for that. Will send an email with the recording here shortly and of cause you can always see the recordings of these in the stay motivated link on the bottom of your Ignite program. Thank you so much. This has been absolute pleasure. I thank you and I will chat with you soon, see you later.

SANE Psychology

  • I think we need to give ourselves permission to always say, we don’t have an infinite amount of mental capacity. It’s scientific fact that we don’t have an infinite amount of will power. So everything that we make ourselves think about, everything that we make ourselves say, like “Can I wait 30 minutes after drinking apple cider vinegar water to eat breakfast? That has a cost associated with it. Even having that thought has a cost associated with it. Sometimes we just have to ask ourselves, is it worth thinking about this? It’s called the any benefit mindset. In our culture, we tend to have any benefit mindset. Meaning, if this thing has any benefit, I should do it. But that’s not actually true. There is another concept called opportunity cost. For example, does joining some sort of committee that one of your friends asked you to join, is that a good thing? Is it a good thing to support your friend and join their committee? Yes. Is there a benefit to doing that? Yes. But you have to weigh that against everything else you could be doing with that time. The question is not “Does this have any benefit?” Instead ask yourself, “Do the benefits outweigh the benefit of everything else I could be doing? And does the benefit outweigh the cost?”


  • We do not prescribe meal plans because after years and years and years of doing this and after everyone else in the world — every weight loss program in the world says eat exactly this at exactly this time and if we do that, great. But the problem is we can’t do that long term. What we need to do is we need to learn the underlying principles and apply those to our lives.


  • If you want maximum fat loss, you have to do maximally ridiculous things. SANE is about long term happiness and health and sustainable fat loss. There is no other lifestyle or tools set or science or evidence based program that will make you healthier and slimmer for the rest of your life than SANE. But if it’s I want to lose 7 pounds in 7 days. I just told you how to do that, that’s the secret. The secret is eat tuna fish and vegetables, that’s it. But please don’t do that because I care about you and the rest of your SANE family cares about you for the rest of your life not just the next seven days.


  • This is about doing this for the rest of your life. Let me tell you this, if you eat an abundance of delicious SANE foods for one year, in one year of SANity you will not only be fat adapted, you will not only have the ability to burn fat, you will not only reverse the vast majority of any chronic issues that you are suffering with, you will not only enhance every aspect of your life, but think about investing one year of eating more delicious food to radically improve every area of your life for the rest of your life.


  • Go to your doctor and get a full blood panel done. You say, “I want the works. I want all of it. I want to know my A1C levels; I want to know my none calculated cholesterol, true non-calculated cholesterol numbers. I want to know the particle size test, I want all that stuff.” The keys things you want to look at are: your true non-calculated cholesterol numbers and you want to look at your A1C levels, that’s your long term glucose and blood sugar health markers, and blood pressure. All those things that your doctor is normally going to look at. You also want to take that to the next level of depth especially your Hemoglobin A1C. Track those levels if possible (no more above the cost and practicality once every 12 weeks) and get a full blood work panel done. I promise you those numbers will all get better. Even if you are like, I don’t feel like I’m losing weight it is literally impossible for you to go SANE, truly SANE and do not have your A1C levels change. It’s just science.


  • After years and years of yo-yo dieting and punishing starvation dieting your metabolism says, “I’m done. I’m exhausted. I’m done. I have been starved so many times that I am just not going to burn any calories. Because who knows when I’m going to get starved again.” But then you start going SANE and your metabolism is like, “Okay, alright, I’m getting nourished. I’m getting the energy that I need. I’m getting the essential nutrients that I need. I’m feeling good. Maybe I did store a little bit of fat over here but now I’m like let’s burn that off. And let’s go over here to this very annoying belly fat that I cannot seem to get rid of, I’m going to burn that off now too.”

What to Eat

  • Every time we eat, we want to try as much as possible to eat a complete SANE meal that includes vegetables primarily then protein than fats. Eating them together is better that eating them separately.


  • As a general rule of thumb any form of tea, water, or smoothies all count towards your fluid goals.


  • We want to eat 20 to 30 gram doses of protein because that’s how we trigger the muscle synthesis and that’s how achieve a lot of the metabolic benefits.


  • There is no minimum when it comes to combining vegetables with protein. The reason you want to combine vegetables with protein is protein can cause an acidic balance in your body and vegetables help to make it more alkaline. So at a minimum I would say a serving of green leafy vegetables. Green leafy vegetables are the most potent vegetables if you want to think about it that way. When in doubt try at least one serving of green leafy vegetables every time you are eating proteins.


  • If, for example, you have 100 additional pounds of fats stored on your body, you do not need to eat as much whole food fats as someone who does not have any excess fats stored on their body. If you have a bunch of fat already stored on your body you have energy. There is energy in your body already. What we need to do is restore your body’s natural ability to burn off that energy first and foremost. Whereas someone who is already lean, doesn’t have as much energy stored in their bodies, so if they don’t eat the energy they can’t get it anywhere else.


  • This is what we read in all the popular magazines: eat 500 fewer calories. And if you eat 500 fewer calories, then your body will burn 500 calories worth of fat and you will lose a pound per week because that’s 3500 calories in a pound of fat. We have heard this logic for 50 years and it never works. Here is why it doesn’t work; because the individuals who are preaching that are only focusing on creating the need to burn fat. They believe that if you starve yourself, that you have created the need to burn fat because you are taking in fewer calories than you burn and then they assume that then that need for additional energy — you do have a need for additional energy in the assumption that they have and they are assuming that need is met by burning fat. But what modern science shows is that if we have hormonal deregulation our body will not respond to eating fewer calories by burning more fat. It will respond to the need for more calories because we are not eating as many by first slowing down dramatically. That’s why starvation diet makes us hungry, cold, tired and crabby. So that in of itself could eliminate the need to burn fat. Now you don’t have the need to burn fat because your body just responded to eating less by burning less.


  • Right now the vast majority in America especially are not fat adapted. Meaning that their body is used to burning sugar and it doesn’t really know it’s lost the ability to burn fat. When we get most of our calories from fat rather than from sugar we retrain our body to burn fat as energy rather than preferentially just burning sugar as energy and that’s really powerful. Because once we have retrained and restored our body’s ability to burn fat — that is where the magic happens.


  • We restore our ability to burn fat by increasing the quality of what we are eating like healthy fat instead of sugar and starch, then because that high quality food has high satiety, our appetite will re-regulate indirectly or accidentally, and we will become fuller faster and stay fuller longer and because things like vegetables and proteins are so satisfying we will accidentally get fuller on fewer calories.